Neurosurgeons diagnose and treat brain and spine issues like birth defects, tumors, stroke, etc.
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Dr. KM Hassan
NeurologistNoida, India
33+ years of experience
Designation: Additional Director
Works At: Jaypee Hospital, Noida
Dr. Rohan Sinha
NeurosurgeonNoida, India
25+ years of experience
Designation: Director
Works At: Jaypee Hospital, Noida
Dr Vikas Bhardwaj
NeurosurgeonNoida, India
25+ years of experience
Designation: HOD
Works At: Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida
Dr. Mathura Prasad Mahato
Paediatric NeurologistNoida, India
18+ years of experience
Designation: Professor
Works At: Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida
Dr. Soumya H Mittal
NeurologistNoida, India
24+ years of experience
Designation: Professor
Works At: Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida
Dr. Manish Gupta
NeurologistNoida, India
20+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
Works At: Jaypee Hospital, Noida
Dr. Bapura Kiran Reddy
NeurosurgeonNoida, India
17+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
Works At: Jaypee Hospital, Noida
Dr. Dinesh Rattnani
NeurologistNoida, India
15+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
Works At: Jaypee Hospital, Noida
Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Gupta
NeurosurgeonNoida, India
25+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
Dr. Jyoti B Sharma
NeurologistNoida, India
19+ years of experience
Designation: Director
Works At: Fortis Hospital, Noida
Dr. Vikas Gupta
NeurosurgeonNoida, India
30+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
Works At: Kailash Hospital & Neuro Institute