Based on the expertise and experience you seek in your doctor, choose from the 59+ skilled Cardiac Surgeons in our network. You can trust us to help you find the caring and competent medical care you need.
Prof. Hugo A.Katus
Interventional CardiologistHeidelberg, Germany
44+ years of experience
Designation: Chief
Works At: University Hospital Heidelberg
Dr. Stephan Baldus
Cardiac SurgeonCologne, Germany
31+ years of experience
Designation: Consultant
Works At: University Hospital of Cologne
Dr. Friedrich Felix Heuer
Interventional CardiologistCologne, Germany
11+ years of experience
Designation: Consultant
Works At: University Hospital of Cologne
Prof. Dr. Christoph Bode
Interventional CardiologistFreiburg, Germany
38+ years of experience
Designation: Director
Works At: Freiburg University Hospital, Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Med. Henning Baberg
Cardiac SurgeonBerlin, Germany
26+ years of experience
Designation: Chief
Works At: Helios Hospital, Berlin
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Weyand
Cardiac SurgeonErlangen, Germany
30+ years of experience
Designation: Head of Department
Works At: University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen
Prof. Dr. med. Sigrid Nikol
Cardiac SurgeonBad Wildungen, Germany
35+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
PD MD P. Zartner
Interventional CardiologistBad Wildungen, Germany
34+ years of experience
Designation: Senior Consultant
Prof. Dr. med. Michael Schmoeckel
Cardiac SurgeonHamburg, Germany
41+ years of experience
Designation: Chief
Works At: Asklepios Hospital Barmbek, Hamburg
Prof. Dr. Franz-Josef Neumann
Interventional CardiologistFreiburg, Germany
42+ years of experience
Designation: Director
Works At: Freiburg University Hospital, Freiburg
Prof. Dr. Friedhelm Beyersdorf
Interventional CardiologistFreiburg, Germany
30+ years of experience
Designation: Director
Works At: Freiburg University Hospital, Freiburg
Dr. med. Malte Schroder
Cardiac SurgeonBerlin, Germany
27+ years of experience
Designation: Head of Department
Works At: St. Hedwig Hospital, Berlin
Dr. med. Stefanie Veit
Interventional CardiologistFrankfurt, Germany
30+ years of experience
Designation: Chief
Works At: Hospital of the Holy Spirit, Frankfurt
Prof. Dr. med. Horia Sirbu
Interventional CardiologistErlangen, Germany
31+ years of experience
Designation: Chief
Works At: University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen
Dr. Ana Beatriz Almeida
Interventional CardiologistDresden, Germany
23+ years of experience
Designation: Consultant