Invest in your hair, the crown you never take off.
Hair transplantation not only recoups your hair but your self-esteem and confidence too. The surgery is done under anesthesia and takes about 4- 8 hours. Before the graft is transplanted, the old healthy hair is removed. A day before the surgery, you must sleep well and take medicine prescribed by your doctor.
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After the transplant, the hair follicles take six to twelve months to grow. 6-8 weeks post-surgery, you may experience hair fall or hair may get thin. It is normal and expected. Just like pre-transplant care, you need to follow the instructions post-procedure. It will ensure fast recovery and growth.
The first week of recovery is crucial. The day after the hair transplant, the bandages are removed at the clinic. Let the anesthetic and sedative effect wear off before you resume work. Take a short week’s break if your job includes physical activity. The results are not immediate but are worth the wait. Let us know more about post-procedure care.