CBC Test Components, Normal Range, and Results (2023)
The blood comprises several types of cells that have a unique role in our body. Having these cells in the normal range is necessary for the proper functioning of the body. A CBC or complete blood count measures these cells/components. The CBC test helps in diagnosing a number of diseases like anemia, leukemia, infections, etc.
The cost of a CBC test in India is between INR 300 to INR 500. The diagnostic labs in the country are hi-tech and provide the most accurate results. It is recommended to get a CBC test done every year to help with early diagnosis of various diseases.
This blog is a comprehensive guide to CBC, its components, normal range, and costs associated with it.
What is a CBC Test?
CBC means Complete Blood Count. This is a common test to diagnose blood-related disorders like anemia, infection, or even blood cancer. It indicates any rise or fall in the blood cell numbers.
CBC helps in determining the count of the following cells:
- Oxygen-carrying cells called RBCs or Red Blood Cells
- Infection-fighting cells called WBCs or White Blood Cells
- Hemoglobin (a protein that carries proteins)
- Hematocrit, which is the ratio of RBCs to plasma
- Platelets, which help in blood clotting
Let's have a look at the cells which majorly make the blood:
- Red Blood Cells - These cells perform the function of transporting oxygen throughout the body and take out carbon dioxide. RBCs are composed of hemoglobin, an oxygen-carrying protein. If the hemoglobin levels are reduced, it indicates anemia.
- White Blood Cells - The WBCs are responsible for fighting infection. Reduction in the WBCs leads to reduced immunity or the body's ability to fight infection. However, an increased WBC count may indicate leukemia, a form of blood cancer.
- Platelets - These cells help in the clotting of blood. A reduced platelet count can pose a threat of excessive bleeding, which can be fatal. There are certain diseases that occur due to low platelet count, such as thrombocytopenia.
What are the Components of a Complete Blood Count Test?
A CBC test tells a lot about the health of the person. It does so by measuring a lot of components like –
- WBC Count - WBC count rises in case of a bacterial infection. This fact is used in detecting any infection in the body. An increased number of WBC is either indicative of an infection or blood cancer.
- WBC Differential - The WBCs are of many types, such as neutrophils, lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils, and basophils. The number of each kind of WBCs helps give essential information about the immune system. This component helps in the detection of an infection, allergy, or toxic reaction to any medication.
- RBC Count - A fall in the number of RBCs indicates anemia. In contrast, an abnormal rise in RBCs indicates a condition such as polycythemia in which the capillaries (thin blood vessels) can stick to each other and get blocked. This overall reduces the oxygen-carrying capacity of the body.
- Hematocrit measures the density at which the red blood cells are packed in the plasma. The value is given in percentage.
- Hemoglobin is a protein that makes up red blood cells. It has the responsibility of carrying oxygen in the blood and also gives it a red color. Measuring the amount of hemoglobin helps in measuring the oxygen-carrying capacity of the blood.
Other than these measures, red blood cell indices are also measured. The RBC indices include:
- Mean Corpuscular Volume - It is the average volume of a red blood cell. It is calculated by dividing the hematocrit by the concentration of the RBC count. The normal range lies between 80-100 fL.
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin - It is the average amount of hemoglobin present in each RBC. MCH is calculated by dividing the hemoglobin by the RBC count. The normal range lies between 27-31 pg/cell.
- Mean Corpuscular Hemoglobin Concentration - It is the average concentration of hemoglobin per unit volume of RBC. MCHC is calculated by dividing the hemoglobin by the hematocrit. The normal range lies between 32-36 g/dL.
- Platelet Count - Platelets or thrombocytes are the smallest type of blood cells that take part in the clotting of blood. Whenever there is bleeding, these platelets get clumped together to form a blood clot. Fewer platelet count can lead to excessive blood loss from the body. At the same time, an increased platelet count can obstruct the blood flow.
- Mean Platelet Volume - MPV is the average amount of platelets. It is used to diagnose the platelet volume and platelet count.
What is a Normal Complete Blood Count Range?
The CBC blood test results are considered safe when they are within the normal reference range. Each component of the blood test has a different standard range value.
Some of the components with their normal range are mentioned below.
- Hemoglobin: 13 – 17 g/dL
- Packed Cell Volume (PCV): 35 – 48 %
- RBC Count: 4.5 – 5.5 mili/ µL
- MCV: 80 –100 fl
- MCH: 27 – 32 pg
- MCHC: 31 – 34 g/dL
- Red Cell Distribution Width (RDW): 12 – 16 %
- Total Leukocyte Count (TLC): 4000 – 10000 / microliters
- Platelet Count: 1.5 – 4.5 lakh/microliter
- Differential Leukocyte Count
- Lymphocytes: 20 – 40 %
- Monocytes: 2 – 10 %
- Eosinophil: 1 – 6 %
- Basophils: 0 – 2 %
- Neutrophils: 40 – 80 %
Why is the CBC needed?
There are many ailments that need a CBC test to make a final diagnosis. The purpose of CBC is to check patients' general health and diagnose various conditions such as:
- To diagnose polycythemia (a condition with raised levels of hematocrit)
- To diagnose anemia
- To check the blood count after and before a surgical procedure
- To check for any infection
- To detect the exact cause of fatigue, fever, or unintentional weight loss
- To check the amount of blood loss due to any reason
- To diagnose leukemia
- To analyze the body's reaction toward a particular medication or radiotherapy
- To detect an allergic reaction
- As a part of regular physical examinations
What is the Cost of CBC Test in India?
The cost of a CBC test in India is approximately INR 500. You can get CBC done in India for as low as INR 150, and the price can go up to INR 750. The exact cost depends upon factors like:
- The number of components covered
- City (metropolitan cities are generally expensive)
- Labs (labs with modern technologies and equipment are more expensive)
- Home Collection
- Hospital (super specialty hospitals charge higher than stand-alone diagnostic labs)
Who Should Get the CBC Test Done?
CBC test is generally recommended to:
- People who are having fever
- People that are experiencing fatigue, weakness, and shortness of breath
- People looking for annual health check-ups
- People having bleeding gums, blood in vomit or urine, or having black stools
What Do the Results of CBC Indicate?
When you get your CBC test reports, you will observe two columns: a reference range and your results. The results of CBC can either be in line with the reference range or higher/lower than the normal range.
Red Blood Cells or RBCs
- High RBC levels indicate chronic smoking, exposure to carbon monoxide, lung disease, chronic kidney disease, cancer, heart disease, alcohol consumption, liver disease, and bone marrow disorder. Also, the conditions that affect the body's water content lead to a raised number of RBCs - for example, dehydration, diarrhea, perspiration, or the use of diuretics. The RBC volume may be high due to the loss of fluid in the body. This is also known as spurious polycythemia.
- Low RBC levels indicate anemia which may occur due to several factors like thalassemia, sickle cell anemia, inflammatory bowel disease, stomach ulcers, heavy menstrual flow, and many more. Another reason for reduced RBC levels includes pernicious anemia, which causes a lack of folic acid in the body.
White Blood Cells or WBCs
- The number of WBCs can increase due to an infection, inflammation, physical or emotional stress, malnutrition, leukemia, tuberculosis, kidney failure, etc. Moreover, using corticosteroids, non-functional or partially functioning adrenal glands, thyroid glands, and spleen removal may also lead to a rise in the number of WBCs.
- The reduced WBC count may indicate chemotherapy, reaction to certain medications, Cushing's syndrome, alcohol consumption, AIDS, aplastic anemia, or any viral infection.
- High levels of platelets can point out iron deficiency, abnormalities in the bone marrow, or even a large spleen.
- On the other hand, reduced levels may insinuate immune thrombocytopenic purpura. Platelet count can also decrease in case of pregnancy.
To Conclude
A complete blood count test measures various components of the blood, like WBC, RBC, and platelets. CBC test does not require any special preparations. The test helps diagnose various medical conditions like anemia, examine the patient's general health, and monitor the ongoing treatment. The cost of CBC in India ranges from INR 300 to INR 500. The prices may vary from city to city and from lab to lab.