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Dr. Mrinal Sircar

Dr. Mrinal Sircar Verified


Noida, India

38+ years of experience

Designation: Director

Works At: Fortis Hospital, Noida

Dr. Mrinal Sircar is a renowned Pulmonologist and has experience of more than 34 years. He has expertise over the treatment of emphysema and chronic bronchitis, Cystic fibrosis, Interstitial lung disease, Obstructive sleep apnea, Pulmonary ....
Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal

Dr. Gyanendra Agarwal Verified


Noida, India

23+ years of experience

Designation: Consultant

Works At: Jaypee Hospital, Noida

Currently associated as Executive Consultant with Department of Pulmonology at Jaypee Hospital, Noida Specializes in Interventional Pulmonology including conventional Bronchoscopy, EBUS, Medical Thoracoscopy, Whole Lung Lavage, Sleep studies and....
Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta Verified


Noida, India

25+ years of experience

Designation: Additional Director

Works At: Fortis Hospital, Noida

Dr. Rajesh Kumar Gupta is a renowned Pulmonologist and has experience of more than 21 years. He has expertise over the treatment of respiratory diseases like Asthma, COPD, Bronchiectasis, Pneumonia, Bronchitis, Chronic Cough, Pulmonary and ....
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Dr. Shailendra Nath Gaur

Dr. Shailendra Nath Gaur Verified


Noida, India

45+ years of experience

Designation: HOD

Works At: Sharda Hospital, Greater Noida

Dr. Shailendra Nath Gaur is a Pulmonologist of high acclaim practicing successfully for more than 40 years. He is proficient in offering treatment for numerous respiratory diseases including anaerobic lung disease, Allergy and Immunotherapy, Far....
Dr. Tanushree Gahlot

Dr. Tanushree Gahlot Verified


Noida, India

16+ years of experience

Designation: Consultant

Works At: Yatharth Super Specialty Hospital, Greater Noida

Dr. Tanushree Gahlot is a well known Pulmonologist with experience of over 11 years. She offers treatment for Sleep Disorders, Asthma and Sinus allergies, Lung Cancer, Chest Infections and Smoking-related Lung problems etc. She has been traine....
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The doctors we list are highly sought after by patients. We consider experience, designation, patient feedback, hospital reputation and our own experience of working with them amongst many factors in creating the list.