Stroke Treatment Cost In Institute Brain And Spine New Delhi

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Cost of Stroke Treatment in Institute Brain And Spine New Delhi: Detailed Overview

Stroke is a medical condition in which due to damage to the brain the patient's body functions have been hampered, he is not able to speak properly, walk properly, bowel movement lost and paralysis of certain parts of the body. the damage may be due to restricted blood supply of brain, trauma, or any brain haemorrhage.
for the treatment of stroke in early stage it mainly focuses on minimizing the symptoms, preventing complications and preventing additional strokes. Medicines like tPA are given to minimize the damage. other medications are antihypertensive, anticoagulants and ACE inhibitors. Supportive care for cardiac functions is provided. in cases cardiac enterotomy is done to remove any clot in vessels. later on speech therapy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy and stroke rehabilitation is provided.

Doctors for Stroke Treatment in Institute Brain And Spine New Delhi

the team of doctors who will treat a case of stroke are neurologist, neurosurgeon, physiotherapist, occupational therapist, speech therapist and a critical care doctor.

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Our Services for Stroke Treatment in Institute Brain And Spine New Delhi

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Success Rate

recovery from a stroke is variable and highly unpredictable. only 10% people are completely cure by rehabilitation post-stroke, 25% of people recover with minor incompetencies. However 40-50% people lead life with severe to moderate impairment and live with special care.
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Master Kinaawda Peter Jjunko

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Neurogen Institute took good care of my baby, who had a stem cell transplant done. The children there are safe, and they made us feel comfortable, Thanks.



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We saw Dr. Aditya Gupta in India for my mother's brain tumor surgery, and it went very well. My mom is feeling better now, with no symptoms. Thanks!


Ms. Amira Tabet

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I came to India for my sister's spine surgery. It was a critical surgery and Dr. S K Rajan did a very good job. I am thankful to him.

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