Ivf Cost In Giza

Cost of Ivf in Giza: Detailed Overview

In Vitro Fertilization (IVF) is the most effective form of assisted reproductive technology, where mature eggs are collected (retrieved) from ovaries and fertilized by sperm in a lab. The fertilized egg (embryo) or eggs (embryos) are transferred to the uterus.

One complete cycle of IVF takes about three weeks. The procedure can be done using your eggs and your partner's sperm. 

Another way is using eggs, sperm, or embryos from a known or anonymous donor.

IVF involves several steps -

ovarian stimulation, you might receive an injectable medication containing a follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), a luteinizing hormone (LH), or a combination of both for stimulating the ovary to produce multiple eggs.

Egg retrieval, Transvaginal ultrasound aspiration is the usual retrieval method to collect eggs.

For sperm retrieval (the partner will provide the sample), fertilization is done; after that, healthy sperm and mature eggs are mixed and incubated overnight, and the embryo is transferred into the vagina.

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Inclusions in the package

The cost of IVF includes:

  • Cost for Diagnostic tests, some of which may include hormone-specific tests (FSH, AMH, and Estradiol) tubal patency tests, prolactin tests, and semen evaluation

  • Procedure cost (depends on the type of procedure)

  • Types of procedures - fresh, frozen, cleavage (day 3), blastocyst (day 5), single, and multiple embryo transfers

  • Post-Operative cost (The IVF cycle takes around four weeks and there are 3-6 visits between the start of stimulation and egg retrieval.)

  • Patient's hospital stay (IVF is an outpatient procedure, however in some cases, the patient needs to be admitted to the hospital before the process)

Note: It is advised to do a blood pregnancy test after 12-14 days of IVF and to avoid a home pregnancy test as may wrongly give a false positive if tested before 7 days due to residual HCG after the shot given for egg maturation.

Factors affecting cost of Ivf

The overall cost of the procedure also varies based on the patient's condition and preferences. Some of these factors are:

  • Type of hospital and room opted (General, Twin sharing, or single room)

  • Age of the patient

  • Post-IVF patients may feel some side effects (nausea or vomiting, shortness of breath, decreased frequency of urination, feeling of faintness, weight gain, stomach pain and bloating, breast tenderness, constipation, cramping)

  • Cost of Accommodation during follow-ups, in case the patient is not a local resident

  • If any extra investigations are required

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Success Rate

The chances of having a healthy baby using IVF depend on many factors, such as your age, ovarian reserve, and sperm count.

The average success rate is 60-70 percent.

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Frequently Asked Qestions Related to Ivf Cost

Before an IVF procedure, three hormones specifically are tested: FSH, AMH, and Estradiol. Moreover, tubal patency test, prolactin test, and semen evaluation are done to evaluate if you are suitable for IVF. The package covers all these tests. 

All the medicines prescribed by the hospital are included in the package. If you buy any medication outside the hospital, you have to pay additional charges for them. 

IVF is an outpatient procedure, and you can go home the day of the retrieval, while in some cases, the patient needs to be admitted to the hospital before the process. Usually, you and your partner need to stay about half a day at the hospital for egg retrieval and fertilization procedures, and then you can go home. You have to come back after 2-3 days for an embryo transfer. The embryo transfer is a one-day procedure that takes 20-30 minutes. The IVF cycle takes around four weeks, and there are 3-6 visits between the start of stimulation and egg retrieval. 

After the embryo is transferred into your uterus, keep taking Progesterone in the early weeks of transfer to sustain your pregnancy. It also helps the embryo implant in the uterus. Start taking a daily folic acid supplement and avoid using products that contain bisphenol A, phthalates, triclosan, and parabens.  

The cost of an IVF procedure is very high with no success guarantee, which is why most health insurance plans do not cover its cost. But some insurance companies have introduced infertility treatment under their insurance plans, but their level of coverage vary from each other. So, it is better to compare health insurance plans and check the expenses covered by each plan before buying them.

You can go for induction or superovulation techniques, laparoscopy for infertility, and intrauterine insemination (IUI) because they are less costly than IVF.

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Everything You Need to Know About Ivf: Q&A

Before the Procedure (11 Questions):

In natural conception, fertilization of the egg and sperm occurs inside a woman's body, when the fertilized embryo continues to grow inside a woman's uterus, pregnancy results in the birth of a baby about 9 months later. This process is called natural or unassisted conception.

Assisted reproductive technology (ART) are special medical procedures that are used to aid the woman in getting pregnant.

Infertility refers to the inability to conceive after a year of having regular unprotected sex.

Most IVF doctors recommend transferring up to three embryos at a time to increase the chances of pregnancy, which may result in multiple pregnancies.

Results may differ from one clinic to another Pregnancy rates reflect the number of women who became pregnant after IVF. But not all pregnancies result in a live birth. Live birth rates reflect the number of women who give birth to a living child.Usually the percentage of live birth ranges between 40-45 percent for a patient below the age of 35 yrs .

In the process of IVF the woman’s egg are being retrieved surgically and then  it is fertilized in the laboratory by mixing with the partner sperm. The fertilized egg is being left to grow for two to five days and then it is surgically transferred to woman’s womb.

There are various factor which has an important role in determining whether the patient can go for IVF treatment such as low sperm count, endometriosis,  problem in uterus or fallopian tube, ovulation disorder, sperm not able to penetrate or survice in the cervical mucus.

The success rate of IVF is determined according to the age, apart from age the other factors which plays an important role in success of IVF varies according to the height, weight, the condition causing infertility, sperm count, reproductive history and the number of previous pregnancy, miscarriage and birth.

Before your IVF you should stop smoking, drinking alcohol & reduce your caffeine intake.  It  has also seen that nicotine can cause aging of the ovaries and makes the egg resistant to fertilization.

Once it is confirmed that you are pregnant, you need to see your gynaecologist for your blood test and ultrasound to check how pregnancy is being progressing.

Your doctor will decide the number of embryos to be transferred into your uterus. If only single embryo is transferred then it will be not possible to have multiple pregnancies. The chances of giving birth from multiple embryos are somewhat higher than transferring a single embryo.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

The process of IVF can last anywhere from four to six weeks before  egg retrieval. Embryos will be implanted two to five days after it.  It is usually not successful in first attempt most patient has to undergo multiple cycle to become pregnant.

IVF is generally performed by Gynecologist doctors or a reproductive endrocinologist who have special interest in fertility treatment and are qualified for it.

During the process of IVF, the mature eggs are being collected from the ovaries and then they are fertilized and transferred to the uterus. For completing one full cycle of IVF it will take about three weeks or even longer time.

Post the Procedure (9 Questions):

Outcomes may vary from one clinic to another. Pregnancy rates reflect the number of women who became pregnant after IVF. However, not all pregnancies result in a live birth. Surviving birth rates reflect the number of women who give birth to a living child. The survival rate for a patient under the age of 35 is usually between 40-45 percent.

Unused embryos may be frozen and implanted later or donated


It is advised to do a blood pregnancy test after 12-14 days of IVF and to avoid home pregnancy test as may wrongly give a false positive if tested before 7 days due to residual HCG after the shot given for egg maturation.

If the eggs are unhealthy you can use donor eggs


Yes, you can travel back.

Some of the restrictions which you have to follow during your IVF is quit smoking and drinkling, vigorous exercise, medications, taking herbal supplements.

Patients are asked to wait for one to two full menstrual cycle before starting the another  IVF cycle. Some other tests are needed which can even delay the IVF cycles.

Some of the side effects associated with IVF are nausea or vomiting, shortness of breath, decreased frequency of urination, feeling of faintness, weight gain, stomach pain and bloating, breast tenderness, constipation, cramping.

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