Astigmatism Treatment Cost In Bangkok

Cost of Astigmatism Treatment in Bangkok: Detailed Overview

Astigmatism is a common imperfection in the eye's curvature. With astigmatism, the front surface of the eye or the lens inside the eye is curved differently in one direction than the other. A common symptom is a blurry vision. Treatments include prescription glasses or contact lenses, Laser-assisted surgery, such as LASIK, etc.
Astigmatism can be treated by eyeglasses, contact lenses. They are available in a variety of types and styles, including disposable soft, extended-wear, rigid, gas permeable, and bifocal. Contact lenses are also used in a procedure called orthokeratology.

Doctors for Astigmatism Treatment in Bangkok

The right doctor to consult for Astigmatism Treatment is an Ophthalmologist.

Cost related to Astigmatism Treatment in Bangkok

Listing approximate price of Astigmatism Treatment and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
LASIK Procedure USD 2250 USD 2750

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The success rate varies between 64-76%.
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Frequently Asked Qestions Related to Astigmatism Treatment Cost

The cost of Astigmatism treatment includes pre operative tests such as CBC, LFT, KFT,  sodium, potassium tests and viral markers test such as HIV, HCV, HBASG test.  Some of the diagnostic tests conducted before Astigmatism treatment are a series of tests to check eye health and a refraction, which determines how the eyes bend light.

The cost of pharmacy, medicines are not included in the package but if you get these from outside then you have to pay for it.

LASIK surgery is done for Astigmatism treatment, a numbing drop is placed in your eye. In this procedure the eye surgeon makes a thin, hinged flap in the cornea. Then laser is used to sculpt the shape of cornea and repositioning the flap.  There is no need of hospital stay, you can go home on the same day after surgery.

After surgery it will take around three to four weeks to recover completely. The difference is noticed immediately after the surgery but recovery takes longer time. Very little time is needed in hospital, you can go home the same day after surgery and within one to two days you can go back to work. 

Astigmatism treatment cost is included in the insurance because it is completely a medical condition.

Eyeglasses,  Contact Lenses and LASIK are alternative for Astigmatism treatment.

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