Anterior Posterior Spinal Fusion Cost In Blk Hospital New Delhi

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Cost of Anterior Posterior Spinal Fusion in Blk Hospital New Delhi: Detailed Overview

Anterior/Posterior Lumbar fusion is also called as 360 degree lumbar fusion, used for fusing the lumbar spine.
The procedure involves incisions in the abdominal area and in the lower back region. The rods and screws are placed followed by bone grafts to stabilize the spine.

Doctors for Anterior Posterior Spinal Fusion in Blk Hospital New Delhi

The right doctor for spinal fusion is a Neurosurgeon or an Orthopedic Surgeon.

Cost related to Anterior Posterior Spinal Fusion in Blk Hospital New Delhi

Listing approximate price of Anterior Posterior Spinal Fusion and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Spinal Fusion Surgery Rs.333000 Rs.444000

Leading Hospitals for Anterior Posterior Spinal Fusion in Blk Hospital New Delhi

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Success Rate

Usually, the success rate is between 69-72%. Possible risks include Infection, Poor wound healing, Bleeding, Blood clots, Injury to blood vessels or nerves in and around the spine, Pain at the site from which the bone graft is received.
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Patient's Review

Roland Murphy

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My friend recommended that I come to India for my spine surgery. I came and consulted Dr. Sudhir Dubey at Medanta Hospital. He was very professional and calm.....Highly recommended!


Ms. Mable Kadungure

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I came to India for spine surgery as I couldn't walk or sit without pain. Dr. S K Rajan performed my spine surgery, and I believe I made the right choice. Thanks!


Mr. Duncan Emmanuel

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I took my son to India for spine surgery as he was diagnosed with kyphosis. Dr. S.K. Rajan performed the surgery, and we are grateful to him.


Jefferson Papie Titus

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My spine was severely damaged and I could not walk, but with hope, I came to India and went to Fortis Hospital, where I had my spine surgery. I can definitely say that my health has improved a lot. Fortis is truly the best spine hospital in India. I want to thank all doctors and the patient care team.


Hanan Kamil Al Aibi

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My sister suffered a cervical spine problem, which spread to her arms and shoulders over time. We went to Artemis Hospital India for the surgery, which was done really well. Artemis Hospital is one of the best hospitals for spine treatment in India. I am forever grateful!


Mohd. Ayub Ali Mondol

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I recently underwent successful spine surgery performed by Dr. Puneet Girdhar at BLK Hospital. I wanted to express my sincere gratitude to him for his extraordinary care.

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