Fontan Procedures Cost In Ahmedabad

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Dr. Nishtha Kalra
Dr. Nishtha Kalra Medical Content Editor and Manager International Patient Relations

Cost of Fontan Procedures in Ahmedabad: Detailed Overview

The Fontan procedure is today the last staged operation for all children born with congenital heart disease who cannot be offered a 2-ventricle repair.
During the procedure, the right atrium is baffled with an intraarterial patch and the superior vena cava is sutured directly to the right pulmonary artery. Performing the anastomosis between the superior vena cava and the right pulmonary artery at an earlier age as an intermediate step decreased total mortality and morbidity to achieve a final Fontan circulation.

Doctors for Fontan Procedures in Ahmedabad

The right doctor to consult for Fontan procedures is a Cardiac Surgeon.

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The success rate varies between 62-76%.
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Patient's Review

Baby Fathima Jabbi

star rating star rating star rating star rating star rating

After discovering that our baby had a heart defect, we reached out to Marengo Asia Hospital. The surgery was successful, and our baby is recovering well. My baby was diagnosed with a heart defect when she was just six months old. We came to India and consulted Dr. Rajesh Sharma. He performed a successful surgery. She is recovering well now.


Ms. Fortune Harusekwi

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My sister had mitral valve replacement surgery at Fortis Hospital, and it went very well. I am so happy with the service. They really took care of us. A big Thanks to them.


Mr. Samir Mohammed Abdo

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Dr. Rohit Goel and Dr. Mukul Bhargava are very good doctors from Fortis hospital, Gurgaon. My heart surgery was done within three days. I am thankful to them.

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