Aminath Shuhana is 42 years old from the Maldives, who wanted to have a complete health checkup. She already had plans to visit India. Hence, she wanted to know about some of the best hospitals in India ideal for a complete health checkup. She came to know about Vaidam Health and posted her query. In no time, she got a call back from one of the case managers Dr. Savin Yadav, who explained everything to her. She provided her with the list of best doctors in India and helped her the best hospital for her complete checkup. During this process, she made up her mind to get the health checkup done for her husband as well as her daughter. Aster Medcity, Kochi was their preference. The case manager helped her completing the all the paperwork needed to travel to India. Finally, the family arrived on 20th December 2018.
Aminath has a history of Empty Sella syndrome. This is one of the rare conditions that affect a part of the pituitary gland in the brain. A structure in the skull known as Sella tursica gets filled with cerebrospinal fluid (CSF). Since this is a rare condition, and nearly 1 % of the patients manifest any symptoms, there is no defined treatment for this. However, Aminath got a complete health checkup done by Dr. R. V Jayakumar, who is one of the top 10 endocrinologists in India.
Naushad Ali, 43 years old, husband of Aminath did not have any noticeable issues before coming to India. However, after traveling he started facing some issues. After his checkup, it was revealed that he had hypertension due to which he was referred to the cardiologist. The cardiologist did all the investigations and asked him to follow up in 6 months.
Their daughter, Aishath Iba Naushad who is 17 years old also had pain in her back and the neck region. After a detailed consultation at the hospital, she was advised to get physiotherapy. She was additionally advised to correct her sitting and lying postures.
The family was entirely happy and satisfied with the overall services and arrangements made by the Team. Vaidam wishes them great health ahead in life.