Tongue Tie Ankyloglossia Surgery Cost In Istanbul

Cost of Tongue Tie Ankyloglossia Surgery in Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Tongue Tie- Ankyloglossia Surgery is a surgical procedure to treat a band of tissue, the frenulum, ties the tongue leading to restricting its range of motion.
During Ankyloglossia Surgery, the surgeon removes the lingual frenum followed by proper tongue training exercise and speech therapy. For mild cases, laser surgery is performed which takes two to three minutes and heals within two hours. It does not require anesthesia. Electrocautery is another way to treat tongue tie which may require local anesthesia.

Doctors for Tongue Tie Ankyloglossia Surgery in Istanbul

A team of dentists, otolaryngologists, and pediatricians perform Ankyloglossia Surgery.

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Our Services for Tongue Tie Ankyloglossia Surgery in Istanbul

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Success Rate

Ankyloglossia surgical treatment has a good success rate especially in infants with rare complications or risks. Nerve damage, infection, bleeding, pain, swelling, anesthesia risks, the reattached frenulum (rare) are some side-effects associated with post-Ankyloglossia surgery.
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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Tongue Tie Ankyloglossia Surgery Cost

The condition is diagnosed by performing a physical examination to assess the tongue's appearance and ability to move. The package typically includes the cost of the tests.

There are some medicines that you'll be required to take post-procedure. The pharmacy and medicine bills are included in the package when the patient is in the hospital. On the other hand, if the patient buys medicines outside the hospital, they are not included in the package.

There’s no post-treatment expense after getting a Tongue Tie- Ankyloglossia Surgery; However, in some cases, tongue training exercises and speech therapy to functionally rehabilitate the tongue may be needed. Which is not incurred in the package.

A Tongue Tie- Ankyloglossia Surgery is an outpatient surgery. In this procedure, surgical removal of the banded tissue connecting the tongue to the floor of the mouth is done.

Many dental insurance plans cover Tongue Tie- Ankyloglossia Surgery. Some insurance may cover a certain percentage of your surgery or it may pay for a specific amount. Every insurance question comes down to your specific plan. It’s better to consult with your insurance provider.

No, there is no alternate option for Tongue Tie- Ankyloglossia Surgery.

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