Laparoscopic Myomectomy Cost In Jaypee Hospital Noida

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Leading Hospitals for Laparoscopic Myomectomy in Jaypee Hospital Noida

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Armelle Fungula

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My IVF treatment at the International Fertility Centre went smoothly. The hospital staff helped me through everything and were very reliable. I am grateful to them.

Congo (Kinshasa)

Ashika Singh

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I would really like to thank Dr. Dinesh Kansal because I think without their constant support, I could never have managed to get relief from the abdominal pain I was living with. I am so thankful for your help.


Mrs. Rambacus Doularry

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I can't thank Dr. Richa Jagtab enough for doing my fibroid removal surgery. The hospital services were also very good. A big thank you! I recommend ART Fertility Hospital. My wife had her fibroid surgery there, and she received good care. It is the best hospital for quality treatment.



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Dr. Suman Lal is very good; she did my wife's fibroid removal surgery. I am very thankful to her.


Sawsan Abnawf

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We are grateful to Southend Fertility Hospital for their expertise, which made our pregnancy possible. We appreciate all of you, Thank you so much!


Ms. Fatu Jabateh

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My breast cancer surgery was successful and safe at Manipal Hospital. I am grateful to them for the treatment.


Everything You Need to Know About Laparoscopic Myomectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (6 Questions):

Laproscopic myomectomy is also known as robotic myomectomy this surgery involves removal of the fibroids by only making a  small incision in the abdomen region.  This procedure is mainly for those who face some problems due to fibroids.

Yes, it can be considered as a major surgey because it requires an overnight stay and need of anasthesia and removes or alters any body part.

This surgery when it is performed by an experienced and plastic surgeon can be considered to be safe it has a very low failure rate and the sucess rate is very good.

Myomectomy increases the chnaces of pregnancy after removing fibrouds but it  does notr gurantee any result.

If the fibroids are larger women may gain weigjht and  will have some discomfort and belly may appear to be protuded.

Fibroids causes changes  in women periods which causes severe cramping and pain. In some cases there can be heavier bleeding with clot formation and there can be longer or frequent mensturation

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

Four to five incision is given in the navel and lower partb of abdomen.  Then a narrow telescope like instrument is being used to see what is inside the abomen and it precisely removes the fibroids and the skin layer is sutured.

Laproscopic myomectomy is being done under general anaesthesia.

The average time duration of laproscopic myomectomy surgery is  one to two hour. The time increases  when uterus is needed to be sutured.

Post the Procedure (6 Questions):

After two weeks of the procedures you can walk, you should try to walk about 10 minutes daily. According to the type of surgery performed you can easily do your work within two to six weeks.

Weight gain during the initial stage is not due to the gain of fat but due to the accumulation of fluid as a part of normal healing. Postsurgical weight is temporary and it subsided as your body recovers.

It will take around two or more weeks to recover completely from the procedure. You should not lift any heavy object for one week.

According to a sudy more than 65% of women have given natural birth after their myomectomy.

It is normal to bleed up to one month after laparoscopy. During your menstrual cycle you may notice heavier bleeding and more discomfort than before.

You should not drive or participate in sports or use any heavy equipment while  you are taking pain medications. You may go to work after 2 days of surgery.

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