Knee Arthroscopy Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Minimum Cost Rs.44400
Maximum Cost Rs.59200
  • Days In Hospital 2 days
  • Outside Hospital Stay 10 days
  • Success Rate 85-90%
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Cost of Knee Arthroscopy in Fortis Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Knee Arthroscopy cost in Fortis Hospital Noida is between Rs.44400 to Rs.59200. Patient has to stay in the hospital for 2 days and outside the hospital for 10 days. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Knee arthroscopy is a surgical technique that deals with the diagnoses and treatment plan for the pain in the knee joint area.
The procedure involves the insertion of a small camera, called an arthroscope, into the knee joint, which displays pictures on a video monitor. As the arthroscope and surgical instruments are thin, the surgeon can use very small incisions, rather than the larger incision needed for open surgery.

Doctors for Knee Arthroscopy in Fortis Hospital Noida

The right doctor to consult for Knee Arthroscopy is an Orthopaedic Surgeon along with a Physiotherapist.

Inclusions in the package

The cost of Knee Arthroscopy includes:

  • Preoperative diagnostic tests cost [CBC blood tests, EKG, Urinalysis, etc.]

  • Procedure cost

  • Post-Operative cost (depends on the number of follow-up sessions)

  • Medicine cost 

  • Patient's hospital stay

Factors affecting cost of Knee Arthroscopy

The overall cost of the procedure also varies based on the patient's condition and preferences. Some of these factors are:

  • Type of hospital and room opted (General, Twin sharing, or single room)

  • The severity of the disease

  • Post-surgical complications if happens (such as Infection, Thrombophlebitis (clots in a vein), Artery damage, Excessive bleeding, etc., may happen)

  • Cost of Blood products (if required)

  • An extended stay at the Hospital

  • Cost of Accommodation during follow-ups, in case the patient is not a local resident

Cost related to Knee Arthroscopy in Fortis Hospital Noida

Listing approximate price of Knee Arthroscopy and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Arthroscopic surgery Rs.133200 Rs.177600
Knee replacement - Bilateral Rs.333000 Rs.444000

Leading Hospitals for Knee Arthroscopy in Fortis Hospital Noida

How much does Knee Arthroscopy cost in different cities in India?

The price varies across the cities. Tier 1 Cities are usualy more expencive thane tier 2 cities. The price for Knee Arthroscopy in different cities in India is approximately in the range of:

Cities Min. Cost Max Cost
New Delhi Rs.37518 Rs.58682
Gurgaon Rs.38480 Rs.57720
Noida Rs.36075 Rs.60125
Chennai Rs.38480 Rs.55315
Mumbai Rs.39442 Rs.58682
Bangalore Rs.37518 Rs.56758
Kolkata Rs.36075 Rs.54353
Jaipur Rs.33670 Rs.53872
Mohali Rs.34632 Rs.81770
Ahmedabad Rs.32227 Rs.53391
Hyderabad Rs.37037 Rs.56277

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How much does Knee Arthroscopy cost in different countries?

For patients planning to travel abroad it is useful to know the price in destinations popular with medical travellers. The price for Knee Arthroscopy in different countries is approximately:

Countries Min. Cost Max. Cost
Turkey USD 1600 USD 2400
Thailand USD 4000 USD 6000
Germany USD 3760 USD 5640
Israel USD 4400 USD 6600
Singapore USD 7200 USD 10800
Malaysia USD 1600 USD 2400

Success Rate

The success rate is high and varies between 85-90%. Possible risks of Knee Arthroscopy, may include Infection, Blood clots, Knee stiffness, Accumulation of blood in the knee, etc.
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Frequently Asked Qestions Related to Knee Arthroscopy Cost

Your doctor will recommend tests before Knee arthroscopy treatment, including CBC blood tests, EKG, AND Urinalysis. The treatment package contains the cost of the tests too.

When the patient is in the hospital, the pharmacy and prescription expenses are included in the package. However, if the patient purchases drugs outside of the hospital, they are not included in the package.

Arthroscopic surgery is an outpatient treatment, which means that most patients may go home the same day. The actual operation takes 30 to 45 minutes, depending on the intricacy of your issue. Within one week of your knee arthroscopy, you should make an appointment with your surgeon.

Patients may need crutches or a walker for a few days following surgery if they are in discomfort. Within one or two weeks of surgery, most patients are able to walk with only a slight limp. The majority of patients improve from arthroscopic knee surgery within 4 to 6 weeks. If you feel discomfort or pain after the treatment, you must consult your doctor which charge additional costs.

Orthopedic disorders are typically treated in one of two ways. These are open surgery and arthroscopy. Both of these therapies are often covered by health insurance. Additionally, reimbursement for pre-and post-hospitalization fees is typically provided.

Before committing to knee replacement surgery, you and your physician can attempt the following less invasive options: Physical therapy – Knee arthritis often causes pain and stiffness in the knee joint. Consultation with a physical therapist can help to strengthen the muscles that support the knee and minimize discomfort. 

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Everything You Need to Know About Knee Arthroscopy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (6 Questions):

Arthroscopic knee surgery may be a treatment option for certain types of knee pain. Arthroscopic surgery is a procedure that involves inserting a small camera inside the joint.

Diabetes doesn't seem to raise risks after this surgery. If you have high blood pressure and if it is under control, there is no reason to worry about not having a safe and successful surgery

Even if your blood pressure becomes elevated during surgery you will be given intravenous medication to reduce it.

Consult your cardiologist if you are planning to undergo the surgery because some medicine doses are modified accordingly.

Excessive pain in the knee following arthroscopic surgery is usually due to overactivity or spending too much time on your feet before the thigh muscles have been adequately strengthened. Excessive swelling can also cause pain in the knee. It is normal for the knee to be sore and swollen following arthroscopy.

Knee arthroscopy is the surgery is being used for treating and diagnosing the problems in the knee joint, during the surgery a very small incision is being made and a tiny camera is being inserted in your knees to for visualizing the inner side of the screen.

Yes, it is definitely worth getting a knee arthroscopy surgery, this surgery is being recommended to all people who have some degenerative knee disease.

Patients who are having knee pain or limited knee function are the candidate for arthroscopic knee surgery, most of the patient who are having knee injury or degeneration they can get relief through the non-operative treatment.

During the Procedure (5 Questions):

It usually lasts for about less than an hour.

Your surgeon will tell you all the instructions which you have to follow before surgery and which includes fasting for six hours before the surgery. If you are taking any medications you should inform the doctor about it.

Knee arthroscopic surgery will take around one hour to complete.

Usually spinal anesthesia is given, a painkiller medicine is being injected into the space in your spine, you will be awake during the procedure but you will not be able to feel anything below your waist region. In some case general anaesthesia is also given which will make you asleep and pain free during the procedure.

During the knee arthroscopy procedure surgeon will make  few small incision or cut in your knees. Sterile water or salt is being pumped up for expanding your knees which makes easier to visualize the inner side of the joint. Through one end arthroscope is being entered and the surgeon will look around in your joint and in the operating room surgeon can see the images which is produced by the camera on the computer. When the defect is seen then the surgeon insert a small tool in the incision to correct it and after surgery the surgeon drains saline from the joint and then closes the cut.

Post the Procedure (12 Questions):

The patient is advised to resume contact sport NOT before 6 months of the surgery.

A person can start community walking within 2 weeks and can climb the stairs after 4-5 days and driving after 4-6 weeks.

It is not mandatory but if the patient is willing for physiotherapy He/She can take it for 2-3 weeks post-surgery.

The recovery period after knee arthroscopy surgery depends on the patient and his or her condition. In most cases, patients can return to office work within a week and much return to a more active and normal lifestyle within one to two months.

Immediately after surgery, if your pain is minimal when walking then the use of crutches or a walker is not required.

Once more comfortable, most people are able to walk with a minimal limp within one or two weeks after surgery. Most patients realize a benefit from arthroscopic knee surgery within 4 to 6 weeks.

You are encouraged to bend and straighten your knee as much as pain allows immediately after standard knee arthroscopy.

Remember, however, that your knee may be swollen and full-motion may be difficult for the first few days.

Some of the risks of the procedure includes bleeding inside the knee joint, formation of blood clot n leg, infection inside the joint, stiffness in knee and injury or damage to the cartilage, ligaments, blood vessels and nerve

For the first seven days after the procedure you have to keep your legs elevated and you have to apply ice on it to reduce pain and swelling.  Your doctor will prescribe you the exercise regimen which you have to follow for recovering, the exercise are necessary for strengthening the muscles.

It will take around six weeks to recover completely from surgery, if the damaged tissue is being repaired then the recovery will take longer time. You have to also limit your activity till your knee is strengthened and becomes back to normal.

Yes, you can walk after 4 to 6 weeks after knee arthroscopy surgery, when you are comfortable you can walk with minimum lump within one to two weeks after surgery.

Within three to five days after surgery you can go back to work it will take around two weeks till the knees have healed completely. For some heavy work it will take around four to six weeks to recover.

For the first 3 days, keep the dressings clean and dry. After that you can take bath but don’t soak the incision in water keep it dry.

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