Hemithyroidectomy Cost In Medical Park Group Istanbul

Cost of Hemithyroidectomy in Medical Park Group Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Hemithyroidectomy is a minimally invasive procedure for the removal of one of the affected thyroid lobes. It is a treatment for a solitary thyroid nodule.
During Hemithyroidectomy, the surgeon makes a horizontal cut in one of the lower neck creases to remove the diseased portion. The incision is closed with dissolvable sutures followed by taping with a micropore. This procedure is performed under general anesthesia.

Doctors for Hemithyroidectomy in Medical Park Group Istanbul

An ENT surgeon is a right doctor to consult for Hemithyroidectomy.

Cost related to Hemithyroidectomy in Medical Park Group Istanbul

Listing approximate price of Hemithyroidectomy and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Thyroidectomy Surgery USD 1845 USD 2255
Thyroid Cancer Treatment USD 5400 USD 6600

Leading Hospitals for Hemithyroidectomy in Medical Park Group Istanbul

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Success Rate

The success rate following Hemithyroidectomy is exceptionally high with an 8% chance of recurrence. It takes two to three weeks to have the tape removed. Also, proper follow-up visits for at least three months should be done post-Hemithyroidectomy.
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Patient's Review

Natasha Gariardi

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I went to Turkey to have my tonsils removed. Thank you Hisar Hospital for the exceptional care and great services.

United Kingdom


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I recently underwent thyroid surgery at Medistanbul Hospital, and I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the care I received.

Ivory Coast

Everything You Need to Know About Hemithyroidectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (5 Questions):

Thyroid nodules increase with age and are present in almost 10% of the adult population. Autopsy studies reveal the presence of thyroid nodules in 50% of the population, so they are fairly common. 95% of solitary thyroid nodules are benign, and therefore, only 5% of thyroid nodules are malignant

Thyroid gland is a butterfly shaped gland in the front of neck. Usually a portion of the gland is affected but in cases of trouble swallowing, difficulty breathing, or changes to the voice whole of the gland is removed

Post-surgery will be less painful but the patient will have sore throat from the tube used for anesthesia. Mild pain can be reduced with pain killers

Damage to a recurrent laryngeal nerve can cause you to lose your voice or become hoarse. Temporary hoarseness, voice tiring, and weakness can occur when one or more of the nerves are irritated during the operation or because of inflammation that occurs after the surgery. Voice disturbances occur in 80% of patients post surgery. It usually take a week to get your voice back to normal after surgery

Usually, this surgery is done in daycare and patient can get back to home by the end of the day. Depending on case to case and medical complications, the patient is advised to stay in the hospital overnight

During the Procedure (1 Questions):

Hemi thyroidectomy takes 1.5 to 2 hours, and unlike total thyroidectomy it does not cause hypothyroidism as a part of thyroid stays..

Post the Procedure (4 Questions):

There are no special restrictions except you are advised not to drive for a week. Most people take 1 to 2 week to recover.

Since a part of thyroid is removed, the remaining part produces little hormone. So hormone medications are given to mantain constant thyroid levels in the body .

Post operative follow ups are scheduled after 1 to 2 weeks, and then they continue every 6 to 12 months till 10 years.

it is advisable not to drive for a week after any thyroid surgery.

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