Appendectomy Cost In Medanta Medicity Gurgaon

Cost of Appendectomy in Medanta Medicity Gurgaon: Detailed Overview

Appendectomy is a surgical excision of the appendix. It is a common treatment to treat appendicitis, an inflamed appendix.
During Appendectomy, the surgeon makes a few incisions in the abdomen to insert a small, narrow tube called a cannula to access the appendix. The cannula inflates the abdomen with carbon dioxide gas. Now, the surgeon inserts the laparoscope with a high-resolution camera to find the appendix to remove it. Afterward, the incisions are cleaned and dressed.

Doctors for Appendectomy in Medanta Medicity Gurgaon

A Gastroenterologist is a right doctor to consult for Appendectomy.

Leading Hospitals for Appendectomy in Medanta Medicity Gurgaon

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Success Rate

The success rate following Appendectomy is approximately 99% with minor complications or risks. In laparoscopic Appendectomy, a person may get back to a normal routine in about a week. While in open surgery, it takes four weeks to heal.
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Patient's Review

Bibi Zainab

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Dr. Paritosh S Gupta and his team did my gastric sleeve surgery. My back and knee pain and asthma have disappeared after the surgery, and I am very happy. Thanks.


Saiful Islam

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I came from Bangladesh to Apollo Hospital for the treatment of my fatty liver. They provided great service and treatment. I highly recommend this hospital.


Dr. Nani Gopal

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I traveled to India for a medical checkup and consulted Dr. Mahesh K Goenka, who patiently answered all of my questions. I am grateful for his assistance.


Everything You Need to Know About Appendectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (5 Questions):

Appendectomy surgery is being done for removing the infected appendix which is commonly known as appendicitis. Appendix is a thin pouch which is being attached to large intestine which is mainly in the lower right side of your belly.

Yes, appendectomy is a major surgery which is defined as the opening of the body to access body cavity where work is to be done. It involved removing of the organ or altering the normal anatomy of the body.

Appendectomy is usually done for removing the appendix when appendix is inflamed and swollen due to infection. The infection can also  occur when the open of appendix become clogged with bacteria and stool.

Symptoms of appendectomy are stomach pain near the belly button, abdominal swelling, constipation and diarrhea, nausea, vomiting and loss or appetite.

If you have appendectomy you will have pain  which is mainly centered around your belly button. The pain will be minor first but it can get severe and it will usually drift downward to the bottom right part of your abdomen.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

You should avoid eating or drinking anything for minimum eight hours before appendectomy and if you are taking any medicines.  You should inform your doctor if you have any allergy or sensitivity to latex or some medicines.

Appendectomy is done both under local and general anaesthesia.

There are different procedures being done for appendectomy depending on the severity of your appendicitis and your medical history.

  • Open Appendectomy -During an open appendectomy, a surgeon makes one incision in the lower right side of your abdomen, the appendix is removed and closed with stitches.
  • Laparoscopic Appendectomy -During a laparoscopic appendectomy, a surgeon accesses the appendix through a few small incisions in your abdomen. A small, narrow tube called a cannula will then be inserted. The cannula is used to inflate your abdomen with carbon dioxide gas. Once the abdomen is inflated, an instrument called a laparoscope will be inserted through the incision. The camera of the laparoscope  will display the images on a screen, allowing the surgeon to see inside your abdomen and guide the instruments. When the appendix is found, it will be tied off with stitches and removed. The small incisions are then cleaned, closed, and dressed.

Post the Procedure (7 Questions):

Some of the risks associated with appendectomy are bleeding, infection, injury to nearby organs and blocked bowels.  The risk of an appendectomy is very less severe than the risk  with untreated appendicitis.

When the appendectomy is over, you’ll be observed for several hours before you’re released from the hospital. Your vital signs, such your breathing and heart rate, will be monitored closely.

The time of discharge depends on your overall physical condition,the type of appendectomy performed, your body’s reaction to the surgery. In some cases, you may have to remain in the hospital overnight. You may be able to go home the same day as the surgery if your appendicitis wasn’t severe.

If you have uncomplicated laproscopic appendectomy you may go home on the same day after surgery, if you have ruptures appendix then you may have to stay in hospital for few more days.

Some of the complications of appendectomy surgery are bleeding, nausea, constipation, abdominal bloating, wound infection, blocked bowel and injury to nearby organs.

Recovery time of appendectomy varies on the complications of the surgery and your body’s response to that. Pain and other side effects of surgery will be reduced within few days but it will take few week to return back to your normal activities.

You have to keep your incision dry for preventing infection and eat soft food till you can easily digest solid food. Limit your physical activity because you may have pain in your abdominal muscle. Don’t put any pressure on your abdomen region.

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