Best Urologists in Turkey

Vaidam Health brings you the best Urologists in Turkey. Based on the expertise and experience you seek in your doctor, choose from the 47+ skilled Urologists in our network. You can trust us to help you find the caring and competent medical care you need.

Prof. Dr. Remzi Saglam

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 42+ Designation: Senior Consultant at Medicana International Ankara

Assoc. Prof. Dr. Cagri Guneri

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 22+ Designation: Consultant at LIV Hospital, Istanbul
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Prof. Dr. Saadettin Kilickap

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 26+ Designation: Consultant at LIV Hospital, Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Ziya Akbulut

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 36+ Designation: Consultant at LIV Hospital, Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Alper Demirbaş

Urologist and Renal Transplant Specialist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 30+ Designation: Professor at Medical Park Group, Istanbul

Dr. Murat Bagisgil

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 19+ Designation: Senior Consultant at Medical Park Group, Istanbul

Dr. Murat Binbay

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 15+ Designation: Consultant at Memorial Hospitals Group, İstanbul

Prof. Dr. Fatih Kurtulus

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 24+ Designation: Professor at Medistanbul Hospital, Istanbul

Spec. Dr. Basri Çakıroğlu

Urologist and Andrologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 25+

Dr. Turhan Caskurlu

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 28+ Designation: Professor at Memorial Hospitals Group, İstanbul

Prof. Dr. Mehmet Lutfu Tahmaz

Urologist and Andrologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 25+ Designation: Professor at Medical Park Group, Istanbul

Prof. Dr. Serkan Altinova

Urologist, Ankara, Turkey Years of Experience: 23+ Designation: Senior Consultant at Medicana International Ankara

Dr. Ilhami Gulluoglu

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 17+ Designation: Consultant at Istinye University Medical Park Gaziosmanpasa Hospital, Turkey

Dr. Serdar Aykan

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 22+ Designation: Senior Consultant at Emsey Hospital, Pendik

Dr. Engin Bazmanoglu

Urologist, Istanbul, Turkey Years of Experience: 22+ Designation: Principal Consultant at American Hospital, Istanbul

Frequently Asked Questions

The different specialists in the Urology department may include the following:

  • Endourologists deal with cases like stone surgery, urothelium surgery, and prostate surgery.
  • Andrologists deal with male urologic disorders like ejaculatory disorders, erectile dysfunction, and issues with your partner.
  • Female Urologists deal with female urologic disorders like bladder control problems, pelvic organ prolapse, and overactive bladder.
  • Pediatric Urologists deal with urologic disorders in children like vesicoureteral reflux, underdeveloped genitalia, enuresis, and undescended examen.
  • Urologic Oncologists deal with diseases like cancer of the penis, testicles, kidneys, bladder, and prostatic glands.
  • Neurourologists deal with cases of unusual urination caused by stress malfunctions.
  • Reconstructive Urologists deal with genitourinary tract conditions.

Many times, one doctor has more than one specialty. You can consult with that specialist, depending on your condition.

Actual reports may vary from case to case, but carrying the above reports, if you have, would be helpful when meeting the urologist:

  • Blood tests [PSA (prostate-specific antigen), creatinine, and blood urea nitrogen blood test, testosterone blood test]
  • Imaging reports (ultrasounds, CT, MRI, and cystoscopy)

The doctors we list are highly sought after by patients.

We consider experience, designation, patient feedback, hospital reputation and our own experience of working with them amongst many factors in creating the list.

Please submit your inquiry on the website. Upon review of the details, a case manager from our team is assigned. The case manager will assist you with opinion, cost, travel, stay, and appointment with the doctor.

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