Vitreoretinal Surgery Cost In American Hospital Istanbul

Cost of Vitreoretinal Surgery in American Hospital Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Vitreoretinal surgery refers to operations performed on the vitreous or retina. Many diseases and age-related changes that impact the retina and vitreous can be treated with surgery. Most vitreoretinal surgeries are performed primarily under local anesthetic.
During a vitreoretinal operation, the surgeon makes tiny incisions in the sclera (the white part of the eye). Using a microscope to look inside the eye and microsurgical instruments, the surgeon removes the vitreous and repairs the retina through these tiny incisions.

Cost related to Vitreoretinal Surgery in American Hospital Istanbul

Listing approximate price of Vitreoretinal Surgery and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Vitrectomy USD 5067 USD 6193

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Everything You Need to Know About Vitreoretinal Surgery: Q&A

Before the Procedure (6 Questions):

Vitreoretinal surgery is done to restore, preserve and improve your vision for various conditions. It is done near your eyes where vitreous and retina are located. Vitreous is a jelly like substance which fills the cavity between the lens of your eyes and retina.

This is not a major surgery even though it is very successful as done as other part of eye surgery. It only takes few days to recover from the surgery.

Yes, your vision is definitely going to improve after vitrectomy your eyes will heal quickly even though after few days of surgery you may notice decrease in your vision which gradually increase after few days of the procedure.

The success rate of the procedure is nearly 90% even if you are above 60 years of age.

There are some risks of the surgery but they are not limited to cataract formation, retinal tear and macular edema. Now laser is available which breaks the large floaters into small particles.

People opt for this procedure due to various reasons such as retinal detachment, macular hole, diabetic vitreous hemorrhage, endopthalmitis, retrieval of lens.

During the Procedure (4 Questions):

This surgery takes anywhere from one to few hours depending on the condition you are treated

You will be awake during the surgery, medicines will be given to you for relaxation. If your doctor uses an anaesthetic eye drop you may not feel anything. In some other cases you will be given anaesthesia for sleep.

This surgery can be done both under general or local anaesthesia depending on the number of factors such as patient suitability, and preference of anaesthetic.

1.The eye is anaestized and numbed


2.The eye is cleaned with an anaesthetic solution


3.Eyelid is kept open using an eyelid speculum and a protective covering is placed over the eyes.


4. A small incision or cut is made about the width of an eyelashes in the outer membrane of eyes.


5. With the help of pars plana the surgeon accesses through your eyes which is a structure in sclera or white part of eye.


6.Foreceps are used to open the cut and microscope are inserted to see the eyes.


7.Vitrectomy probe is used to cut the vitreous gel and to remove the broken fluid.

8.Using a laser probe abnormal blood vessels, clots and seal off retinal injuries and tear holes are treated.

9. Eyes are filled with vitreous substance just like saline solution and antibiotic ointment is applied to your eyes for prev

Post the Procedure (7 Questions):

There is no harm to your eyes while watching television.Your vision will remain blurr and distorted for several weeks.

After the procedure your eyes may look swollen red and tender for few weeks after surgery. It may be possible that you have some pain after the procedure.

You will need around 2 to 4 weeks to recover from the procedure.

You are recommended to sleep on your sides or even on your front but not sleep on your back.

Patients have vitreo retinal surgery will have to keep their face down for 14 days

After the surgery it is important for you to avoid flying till it is completely healed. It takes usually 3 to 4 days after the surgery to travel. Sometimes a gas bubble is being used to keep retina in place.

It may take few week to months to heal after the surgery, most of the discomfort goes after first few week of the surgery

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