Tip Plasty Cost In Jaypee Hospital Noida

Cost of Tip Plasty in Jaypee Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Tip plasty is a procedure to reshape the tip of the nose.It only involves tip of the nose not the other nasal part
Procedure involves the tying of the alar cartilage for the nose tip to protrude and look sharpe, incision is also done in the lower area of the nostril for those who have nostrils that are too wide ,sometimes if needed cartilage implant tip plasty is done where implant is inserted.

Doctors for Tip Plasty in Jaypee Hospital Noida

Cosmetic surgeon performs the procedure.

Leading Hospitals for Tip Plasty in Jaypee Hospital Noida

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Patient is not allowed to wear glasses for about four to five weeks, and not allowed to blow or pick nose while the treated area is still healing.
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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Tip Plasty: Q&A

Before the Procedure (6 Questions):

Tip plasty is the surgical procedure which is being used for changing the tip of the nose, it reduces or reshapes the size of the nasal tip and make it proportionate with the face.

As compared to rhinoplasty, tip plasty is easier, faster and the recovery time of tip plasty is very short. During rhinoplasty extra work is needed to be done on the nasal bones and cartilage.Un rhinoplasty there will be more swelling, bleeding and pain and the recovery time will be more.

Tip plasty improves the shape of the nasal tip and corrects the problem with the depressed and enlarged nose. There will be no problem in the bony structure, sides of bone, middle of the nose and the  septum region.

.  Tip plasty is not at all painful, its recovery time is much faster than traditional rhinoplasty procedure. You will only experience some minor pain and swelling after the procedure.

Usually after 18 years it is recommednded to go for tip plasty surgery when the growth of the nose is being completed.

If there are conditions which can result in deviated nasal septum can be corrected by means of nasal tip plasty.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

Tip plasty surgery is usually done by experienced plastic surgeon.

It usually takes around 20-30 minutes to perform tip plasty surgery.

Tip plasty surgery is done under local anaesthesia, incisions are made on the inner side of the nose to access tip of the nose and then a layer of cartilage is been added to the tip of the nose to elevate it.

Post the Procedure (4 Questions):

Swelling usually subsides by 20 to 30 percent during the three weeks of the surgery, in six weeks swelling subsides by fifty to sixty percent and after three months complete result is seen

You can start exercising after 3-6 weeks of surgery. It will take time for numbness and abnormal sensation in the skin and the nose to be resolved.

You can go back to work on the next day of the surgery if you want, there will be minor sutures and bandages. Sutures are self-dissolving and bandages will be there for three to five days after surgery.

Usually there are no risks involved in tip plasty, it is a very minor surgery.  Surgery is easy and recovery time is very less you can only experience some minor pain and swelling after surgery.

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