Thrombectomy Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Cost of Thrombectomy in Fortis Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

A thrombectomy is an innovative surgical procedure used to remove blood clots from arteries and veins, Mainly indicated in conditions such as pulmonary embolism or an acute stroke.
The procedure takes approximately 2 to 3 hours. surgeon makes an incision into a blood vessel. The clot is removed, and the blood vessel is repaired. This restores blood flow. In some cases, a balloon or other device may be put in the blood vessel to help keep it open.

Cost related to Thrombectomy in Fortis Hospital Noida

Listing approximate price of Thrombectomy and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Aortic Aneurysm Repair Rs.355200 Rs.473600

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