Thigh Stretching Cost In Jaypee Hospital Noida

Cost of Thigh Stretching in Jaypee Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Thigh Stretching is an anesthetic surgery to remove excess skin from the inner thighs. People who have shed pounds and left with loose sagging skin on the inner thighs undergo thigh stretching anesthetic procedures.
In the Thigh Stretching procedure, the surgeon makes an incision on the inner thigh removes the excess skin, and tightens the muscles. The surgeon then sutures the wound.

Doctors for Thigh Stretching in Jaypee Hospital Noida

A board-certified plastic surgeon should be consulted for Thigh Stretching surgery.

Leading Hospitals for Thigh Stretching in Jaypee Hospital Noida

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The success rate of the Thigh Stretching procedure is exceptionally high with a faster healing and recovery process. The first few weeks post-Thigh Stretching procedure may not be easy and it takes around six weeks to get recovered and get back to normal activities.
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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Thigh Stretching: Q&A

Before the Procedure (8 Questions):

Thigh stretching is being done to reduce or eliminate the problem of prolonged sagging of skin in thigh area which has been sagged because of overweight and age.

Thigh stretching is being done to deal with all the problems associated with loose and sagging skin in the thigh area which has been caused due to extra weight gain or loss or due to aging.

With age the elasticity of skin decreases and its tightness also decreases because of excessive weight gain or due to thinning of the subcutaneous  adipose tissue due to which mainly the legs in inner thighs begins to droop downwards.

You can go for thigh stretching surgery if you are having moderate to severe laxity loose and excess skin in thigh. Some patient who has treated for obesity their thigh diameter decreases with increasing weight loss and  decreasing the fat tissue therefore loosening can be recovered easily.

You will not have any pain after thigh stretching surgery during the first few days you will have body ache which can be resolved by only taking simple painkillers.

Thigh stretching is being used to correct the discrepancy in leg the aim of thigh stretching is to make the body in level to prevent so that back, hip and knee problems can be prevented which is due to walking around on legs of two different lengths.

The surgical procedure to cut a bone is called an osteotomy. Additional soft-tissue procedures may be done at the same time to prepare the muscles and nerves for lengthening. The doctor will also apply an orthopedic lengthening device to the bone. Orthopedic lengthening devices that are inserted into the bone are called internal devices, such as the Precice nail. Orthopedic lengthening devices that remain outside of the body are called external fixators, such as the Taylor Spatial Frame or the Ilizarov device.

Thigh stretching surgery can be done on any patients of age between 18 to 25 years where patients has experienced optimal bone growth but in some cases this surgery can also be done in older adults.

During the Procedure (7 Questions):

Thigh stretching surgery is being done by a plastic or cosmetic surgeon.

Time duration of thigh stretching surgery varies according to the condition of patient but usually it takes around 2-3 hours to perform surgery.

There is no special precaution which you need for surgery just like any other surgery you should avoid smoking and use of alcohol and stop taking blood thinner medicine if you are taking.

Thigh stretching surgery removes the extra folds of the skin and fat which are present in upper and inner side of legs. Patients who have got minor skin fold in them the excess skin is being removed and the skin stretched and sutured only a flat scar is seen on the inner side of groin. Patient who have got lot of loose skin it is being done along with liposuction.

Thigh stretching surgery will take around 2-3 hours to be done under general anaesthesia.

Thigh stretching surgery  can be done by specialist doctor such as an orthopedics or a plastic surgeon.

In thigh stretching surgery the excess fat and skin tissue in the legs are removed from the groin line by making an incision on leg. The leg skin is pulled upwards and sutured from the groin line. The incisions of 10-15 cm are made and the suture marks do not disappear after surgery but they are hidden in inner leg area.

Post the Procedure (10 Questions):

You will need around one week to recover completely from surgery.

You will not have any severe pain after surgery you will have might pain which can be easily controlled with painkiller.

You can resume work after about one week after surgery.

After thigh stretching surgery you will have pain, bleeding and late recovery even though chances of late recovery are rare.

First, excess fat is removed by liposuction, then the sagging skin is reshaped by thigh lift surgery, hence the operation is completed.

The suture marks are concealed in body folds, like the groin, so that they remain under and the scar marks fade away and they become unnoticeable.

Adults of all ages who don’t have any medical conditions can go for weight loss surgery and they should have realistic expectation from surgery.

It will take around 6-8 weeks to recover from thigh stretching surgery you should avoid putting weight on the leg with internal lengthening device.

Leg-thigh stretching surgery after the early period after the edema discarded leg image begins to form, the scars remain on the inside of the leg 6-12 months in the faint.

After your thigh stretching surgery you will notice a visible thinning in your legs along with some complaints such as redness, sweating and rashes which are caused due to reducing skin friction. The mobility of person increases and the motivation for healthier living.

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