Silicone Buttocks Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Cost of Silicone Buttocks in Fortis Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Silicone buttocks are basically designed to have the natural look, feel, and softness of real buttocks, made from a soft silicone gel, this adds shape to hips
solid silicone implants are surgically placed into the buttocks via an incision,procedure is sometimes combined with fat grafting (fat can be taken from donor area from patient's body itself) for maximum results.

Doctors for Silicone Buttocks in Fortis Hospital Noida

Cosmetic surgeon performs the procedure

Leading Hospitals for Silicone Buttocks in Fortis Hospital Noida

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It takes up to four to six weeks to recover from buttock surgery.
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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Silicone Buttocks: Q&A

Before the Procedure (4 Questions):

Silicone is basically a material which is being used for butt implants. In this procedure silicone materials are surgically placed in the buttocks by making an incision between the buttocks. This procedure is sometimes combined with fat grafting procedure to give maximum result.

Implants basically adds volume to the buttocks in people who have very less fat. Implants are mainly preferable for those people who have got very less volume of fat but not that less volume which can be added by Brazilian butt lift injection.

People prefer to get silicone injection so that they can add up some amount of volume in their butt. The process of getting silicone injection is very simple, inexpensive, and painless and the recovery time is also very quick.

Silicone is being designed to be used in human body if in some case silicone is FDA approved.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

Silicone injections are being done by professional doctors or by an experienced plastic or cosmetic surgeons.

This procedure is done under local anaesthesia by making an incision in the buttocks, silicone is being injected and the sutures are closed.

Silicone butt injection usually takes few minutes to perform.

Post the Procedure (5 Questions):

You should avoid sitting on your back for two to three weeks after the procedure.

There can be the formation of hard lumps on your body and if silicone is injected it can travel to blood stream and can even cause stroke and embolism.

If you don’t want to go for silicone butt injection you can either go for brazilian butt lift or silicone implants.

One of the biggest risks or silicone butt injections is that if the injection are not performed by medical professionals they can cause some damage.

It can take around four to six months to see the result of the procedure.

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