Scar Revision Longer 10cm Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Leading Hospitals for Scar Revision Longer 10cm in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Our Services for Scar Revision Longer 10cm in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Scar Revision Longer 10cm: Q&A

Before the Procedure (5 Questions):

Scar revision surgery is also known as scar removal surgery, this surgery does not erase scars but reduce its appearance, this surgery can be done on outpatient basis

Scar revision surgery is only needed if there are some serious cosmetic and functional reasons and other scar removal treatments are not effective in it.

With time scars shrink and they become less noticeable with age, you will have to wait till scar lightens. It will take around few months to years till wound has been healed. The best time to get scar revision surgery is 60 to 90 days after the scar matures.

Scar revision surgery is mainly safe there is no risk of any infection, bleeding which can cause recurrence of scars.  In order to avoid these complications you should always follow the pre and post-operative instructions and if you have any concern contact with the doctor.

You will be given local anaesthesia for numbing the area, with local anaesthesia you may feel some mild pressure or sharp pain. Surgeon will make an incision near the scar for removing it.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

If there is need for surgery you should visit plastic surgeon to discuss about the surgical approach and what you need to do to prepare yourself for surgery. Surgeon will tell you about the result after surgery based on location and characteristics of scars.

In most cases, a scar revision procedure can be completed within one to two hours. However, if a scar is large, in an area that is challenging to address, or requires extensive revision and tissue repositioning, the surgery may take longer.

Scar revision surgery is mostly done under local anaesthesia, the area of the scar tissue is being removed and then stitches are placed. Top layer of skin is being glued with fine suturing so that the appearance of the scar should be minimized.

Post the Procedure (4 Questions):

If the scar is healed  not healed properly it  will continue growing and there can be a risk of it.

Scar revision can be done in both children and adults but in some people surgery is done by taking extreme precaution.  There are also some people who cannot stop taking anticoagulant due to the risks of thrombosis. Anticoagulants impairs healing and even make the scars worse.

Scar revision surgery includes minor risks such as bleeding, infection and wound dehiscence. The concern is bigger whether procedure  can even make the scar worse, in older people thinning of the skin is seen.

You have to keep the yourself save form sunlight and  do not involve in heavy physical activities till healing is complete.

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