Rhinoplasty Tip Cost In Max Super Speciality Hospital Patparganj New Delhi

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Rhinoplasty Tip in Max Super Speciality Hospital Patparganj New Delhi

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Our Services for Rhinoplasty Tip in Max Super Speciality Hospital Patparganj New Delhi

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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Rhinoplasty Tip

Before the Procedure (7 Questions):

Yes, you can definitely get the tip of your nose modified. After having consultation you will get an idea how will the tip of your nose will change whether it is the same process or whether some modification is needed.

Tip rhinoplasty is the surgery whish is done to improve the shape of the nasal tip either by augmenting or byreporeducing the shape of the nose.

Tip rhinoplasty is basically done to reduce a bulging nose tip, for lengthening or shortening of nose, changing the nose tip projection and for narrowing the nasal tip.

Your surgeon will assess your nose and will tell you about all the procedures to be done

In tip rhinoplasty, the tip of the cartilage is modified by partial excision and then it is dissected repositioned and augmented to form a supportive frame work.

As tip rhinoplasty is less invasive procedures therefore the side-effects of this procedure are very rare. In some cases infection and numbness can occur.

You will only have some mild pain after rhinoplasty when no nasal packing is given. You may notice some bruised sensation because of the post-operative swelling after rhinoplasty.

During the Procedure (4 Questions):

It will take around 1.5 to 3 hours after tip rhiniplasty surgery usually it is done as a part of outpatient procedure.

Tip Rhinoplasty is done by an experienced plastic surgeon.

In rhinoplasty tip surgery a small incision is being given on the inner side of the nose, then a layer of cartilage is being added to the tip of the nose to lift it. At last, the incisions are being closed and patient is told to not to put extra pressure on the nose for few days after the surgery.

It is only needed when the patient is not satisfied with the result of the first surgery therefore to make changes second surgery is needed.

Post the Procedure (5 Questions):

After one month when most of the swelling in the cheek and lip resolves the shape of nasal tip and its position become more natural. Swelling usually improves and starts to fade by 3.5 months. The changes looks much better at six months and it continues to improve for one to two years after the surgery.

It is very common that nose looks bigger than your original size after rhinoplastu because of the swelling.

Tip of the nose will be bigger after the surgery, it will not get smaller.

Yes, there are chances that the tip of nose occasionally drops after rhinoplasty, after four to six weeks of the procedure we can see that the tip of the nose starts drooping.

After your tip rhinoplasty surgery, your recovery will be much easier and faster. You should limit yourself to intense physical activities for minimum three weeks of the procedure when swelling subsided after few weeks it will take around six months to year before all swelling subsides.

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