Revision Breast Implant Cost In Aster Mims Calicut

Minimum Cost USD 1350
Maximum Cost USD 1650
  • Days In Hospital 2 days
  • Outside Hospital Stay 10 days

Leading Hospitals for Revision Breast Implant in Aster Mims Calicut

How much does Revision Breast Implant cost in different cities in India?

The price varies across the cities. Tier 1 Cities are usualy more expencive thane tier 2 cities. The price for Revision Breast Implant in different cities in India is approximately in the range of:

Cities Min. Cost Max Cost
New Delhi Rs.56277 Rs.88023
Gurgaon Rs.57720 Rs.86580
Noida Rs.54113 Rs.90188
Chennai Rs.57720 Rs.82973
Mumbai Rs.59163 Rs.88023
Bangalore Rs.56277 Rs.85137
Kolkata Rs.54113 Rs.81530
Jaipur Rs.50505 Rs.80808
Mohali Rs.51948 Rs.122655
Ahmedabad Rs.48341 Rs.80087
Hyderabad Rs.55556 Rs.84416

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Our Services for Revision Breast Implant in Aster Mims Calicut

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How much does Revision Breast Implant cost in different countries?

For patients planning to travel abroad it is useful to know the price in destinations popular with medical travellers. The price for Revision Breast Implant in different countries is approximately:

Countries Min. Cost Max. Cost
Turkey USD 2800 USD 4200
Thailand USD 2800 USD 4200
Israel USD 9600 USD 14400
Malaysia USD 2000 USD 3000
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Everything You Need to Know About Revision Breast Implant: Q&A

Before the Procedure (4 Questions):

Breast implant revision surgery involves removing of the old implants and then replacing it with a new one with some change in size.  This procedure can also include breast lift, release of scar  and change in size and shape of breast.

Breast implant surgery is less painful then you experienced after your initial surgery. You may feel some soreness and swelling after your implant placed.  You will be provided dressing on your incision site and a support garment will be given to you for support.

The stretching of the muscle over the implant is most often the part that is most uncomfortable. As augmentation is performed therefore pockets are created the surgery is  less painful then before.

There is no limit to the number of times you can undergo breast revision surgery. But if after 2-3 attempts you are not satisfied with the result then you have to take second opinion for reevaluating your personal goals.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

The complete procedure takes about 30 to 50 minutes depending on the revision surgery needed.

Breast implant revision surgery is being done by a plastic surgeon.

Breast Implant revision surgery is being done under general anaesthesia. First the incisions are made around the edge of areolas and the scar tissue is excised and the old saline and silicone implants are removed. At last the new implants is inserted to provide new look.

Post the Procedure (3 Questions):

Patient can return back to work after one to two weeks after surgery. There will be some bruising after 2 weeks of surgery which will gradually begin to subside after 3 weeks of surgery.

After your breast implant revision surgery you may experience some itching, swelling and bruising. You may also experience some numbness and tingling sensation when breast lift is done. If larger implants are being placed then the skin and the chest will feel tight for sometime.

Common side effects include bruising and swelling. The shape of the breast may change over time, and the final result may not be realized for a few months.

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