Radical Hysterectomy With Lymph Node Dissection Cost In Phuket

Cost of Radical Hysterectomy With Lymph Node Dissection in Phuket: Detailed Overview

Radical hysterectomy refers to the excision of the uterus en bloc with the parametrium (ie, round, broad, cardinal, and uterosacral ligaments) and the upper one-third to one-half of the vagina.
In a radical hysterectomy, the uterus, cervix, both ovaries, both fallopian tubes, and nearby tissue are removed. These procedures are done using a low transverse incision or a vertical incision. The surgeon usually also performs a bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection.

Doctors for Radical Hysterectomy With Lymph Node Dissection in Phuket

The right doctor to consult for Radical Hysterectomy with Lymph Node Dissection is a Gynaecologist and Obstetrician.

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Our Services for Radical Hysterectomy With Lymph Node Dissection in Phuket

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Success Rate

The success rate varies between 68-76%. The side effects after the Radical Hysterectomy with Lymph Node Dissection may include pain (usually for a few days) and vaginal bleeding and discharge.
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Everything You Need to Know About Radical Hysterectomy With Lymph Node Dissection: Q&A

Before the Procedure (9 Questions):


Most common side effects are pain, bleeding, infection, pneumonia, bladder ,problems constipation, blood clots in the legs or in the lungs,weakness of the muscles and ligaments that support the vagina, bladder and rectum. vaginal shortening .

Hair loss by radiation can be temporary or permanent. Lower doses cause temporary hair loss whereas large doses cause a permanent effect.

The survival rates for lesions 3 cm or smaller were 94% for radical hysterectomy and 88% for radiation therapy. When the lesion was larger than 3 cm, the survival rates were 82% with radical surgery and 73% with radiation therapy.

Most health care providers advise patients to not to use deodrant before Radiation therapy. Do not put anything on the treated skin, mild soap like dove and lukewarm water can be used.

You will have to stay in hospital for 2 days after the procedure

Radical hysterectomy refers to the process of excision of uterus with parametrium and the upper one third of the one-half of the vagina. Usually a bilateral pelvic lymph node dissection is done in which a thorough knowledge of pelvic anatomy, sharp dissection allows and careful technique allows dissection of ureters and mobilization of both bladder and rectum from vagina.

Lymph nodes are most commonly removed during hysterectomy because the surgeon can get to know if uterus is needed to be removed or not. If cancer cells are found in lymph nodes it means cancer has spread.

Yes, lymph nodes are most commonly removed in radical hysterectomy,  in radical hysterectomy there is the removal of uterus, cervix, surrounding tissues, vagina and the pelvic lymph nodes. The number of lymph node dissection depends on the spread of the cancer.

Radical hysterectomy is a major surgery and it should be done by an experienced surgeon only as it involves treating different types of gynecological, cervical and ovarian cancer.

During the Procedure (5 Questions):

Most women who undergo hysterectomy have no serious problems or complications from the surgery.Duration of surgery is 1 to 2 hours.

Usually there are three methods followed in lymph node dissection

  1. Traditional approach-In this method surgical site is being accessed by making a large pelvic incision
  2. Minimum invasive approach- In this method various small incisions are made and the surgical site is being accessed
  3. Vaginal approach- In this method no incisions are being made and surgical site is accessed through vagina.

Radical hysterectomy is a surgical procedure which is being used for treating various types of gynecological, cervical and ovarian cancer. During the procedure of radical hysterectomy the surgeon removes uterus, cervix, a part of vagina along with parametrium.

Radical hysterectomy surgery usually takes around one to three hours to be done under general anesthesia.  It requires hospital stay of one night so that physician can monitor your healing.

In the process or radical hysterectomy the uterus, cervix , both ovaries, fallopian tubes and the nearby tissues are being removed by making a low transverse incision or a vertical incision.

Post the Procedure (8 Questions):

After a hysterectomy, if the ovaries were also removed, a woman will enter menopause. If the ovaries were not removed, a woman may enter menopause at an earlier age than she would have otherwise. Most women are told to abstain from sex and avoid lifting heavy objects for six weeks after hysterectomy.

Pain Killers and non hormonal medications are given

An early appointment in the outpatient clinic will be made to discuss the histology (tissue analysis) results and any further treatment options if necessary. This is usually within 3 weeks following discharge from the hospital. You will need to attend for regular follow-up appointments once your treatment is complete. These follow up appointments will be arranged every 3-6 months for the first 2 years, then every 6 months up to 5 years. If the patient cannot travel physically, we can organize a video call with the doctor, if needed.

Avoid lifting or carrying anything heavy (including children and shopping). Vacuuming and spring-cleaning should also be avoided for at least 6 weeks after your operation. Rest as much as possible, gradually increasing your level of activity. Continue with gentle activities such as making cups of tea, light dusting and washing up.

Side effects of radical hysterectomy includes blood loss, blood clots, infections, side effects of anesthesia and damage to the surrounding nerves.

It will take around six to eight weeks to recover completely from radical hysterectomy, recovery time is shorter after getting vaginal or laproscopy hysterectomy.

After six weeks of hysterectomy women can walk continuously up to thirty minutes.

If you have vaginal or laproscopic hysterctomy the recovery of the procedure

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