Pvp Laser Prostatectomy Cost In Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

Cost of Pvp Laser Prostatectomy in Jaslok Hospital Mumbai: Detailed Overview

PVP Laser Prostatectomy is a minimally invasive procedure for an enlarged prostate. A laser is used to perform photoselective vaporization of the prostate (PVP).
During PVP Laser Prostatectomy, the surgeon inserts a tube with an imaging system (cystoscope) into the penis followed by a laser to burn away any excess tissue blocking the urine flow through the prostate.

Doctors for Pvp Laser Prostatectomy in Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

A board-certified urologist who has expertise in performing surgical procedures is the right doctor for PVP Laser Prostatectomy.

Leading Hospitals for Pvp Laser Prostatectomy in Jaslok Hospital Mumbai

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Success Rate

The five-year survival rate following PVP Laser Prostatectomy is approximately 77% with rare complications or risks. It takes around eight to 12 weeks for complete healing followed by long-term positive outcomes after PVP Laser Prostatectomy.
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Patient's Review

Mohamed Ghumra

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I was diagnosed with a urological disease and came for treatment in India. Dr. Narmada Prasad Gupta did my treatment and I recovered quickly. He is the best urologist in India. Thankyou!


Ms. Arpana Prakash

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I came from Fiji to Aakash Hospital, India, for my kidney stone treatment, which was done without any problems. I am relieved now. A big thanks to them. It is a highly recommended hospital. I was living with kidney stones for the past 4 years. I finally got relieved from the disease when Dr. Vikas Agarwal treated me. Thank you so much, I am grateful to you.


Bob Eric Odawa

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Batra Hospital is a wonderful hospital. They diagnosed my problem, a UTI, and provided effective treatment. I highly recommend them.


Everything You Need to Know About Pvp Laser Prostatectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (5 Questions):

PVP laser Prostatectomy surgery which is used for relieving moderate urinary symptoms which are caused by an enlarged prostate.

Few days before the surgery you should stop taking medicines which can increase the risk of bleeding such as blood thinners and pain killers. 

Different types of lasers can be used for laser Prostatectomy such as PVP laser, Holium laser enucleation, Holium laser ablation.

The type of laser surgery recommended to you depends on the size of your prostate, your health, type of laser equipment available.

Laser surgery offers various advantages such as reduces the risk of bleeding, quick recovery, less need of cathether and faster and improved result.

During the Procedure (2 Questions):

During the process of PVP laser prostatectomy your doctor will insert a small tiny scope through the tip of your penis which is used for carrying urine from your bladder. When the laser is passed it shrinks and removes the extra tissue and prevents the urine flow.

Prostate laser surgery is used for reducing urinary symptoms such as frequent urination, difficulty in urination, increase frequency of urination, slow urination and urinary tract infections. It is also done to treat  prevent complications occurred due to blocked urine flow such as recurring urinary tract infection, kidney or bladder damage, bladder stones, blood in urine.

Post the Procedure (5 Questions):

Some of the temporary side effects and risk of laser surgery includes difficulty urination, urinary tract infection, erectile dysfunction, narrowing of urethera and dry orgasm.

After the surgery a urinary catheter is placed for reducing swelling which blocks urine flow. If you are not able to urinate after removing the tube then a catheter is again. You will be able to insert catether on its own for few times in a day till swelling reduces and you can urinate normally.

You will need round six weeks or more to recover from this surgery. Once you are healed you will not have much problem in urinating. You will feel a great relief during urination.

You can notice decline in erectile function after removing your prostate but this can be easily managed.  It will take around six months to a year for the affected nerves to recover from the surgery.

Regrowth of prostate is very uncommon it can only grows after five to ten years of surgery. If this happens you may need another surgery to recover.

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