Phototherapy Cost In Medipol University Hospital Istanbul

Cost of Phototherapy in Medipol University Hospital Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Phototherapy is a type of medical treatment that involves exposure to fluorescent light bulbs or other sources of light like halogen lights, sunlight, and light emitting diodes (LEDs) to treat certain medical conditions.
Phototherapy is conducted with a lamp called a bili-light or with a bili-blanket. The baby is naked during the treatment so that as much skin as possible is exposed to light. Eyes are covered to protect them during treatment.

Doctors for Phototherapy in Medipol University Hospital Istanbul

The right doctor to consult for Phototherapy is a Dermatologist along with a Radiologist and Pediatrician.

Leading Hospitals for Phototherapy in Medipol University Hospital Istanbul

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Success Rate

The success rate varies between 68-76%. Phototherapy is very safe, but it can have temporary side effects, including skin rashes and loose stools.
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