Ovarian Laparotomy Cost In Phuket

Cost of Ovarian Laparotomy in Phuket: Detailed Overview

laparotomy is normally used when a laparoscopy cannot be done effectively,Indicated for laparotomy are removal of ovarian cysts, removal of an ovary, or removal of fibroids.
The procedure is performed under general anaesthesia. The surgeon makes one cut through the skin and muscle of the abdomen, so that the underlying organs can be clearly viewed. The exposed organs are then carefully examined

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Abdominal pain is after effect, although this should improve in a few days. After a laparotomy, it may take as long as 12 weeks before you can resume normal activities.
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Everything You Need to Know About Ovarian Laparotomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (4 Questions):

Surgery is not usually needed for ovarian cyst till they are larger than 60 mm. It may need surgery if it is suspected of being a cancer.

Ovarian cyst may need laparotomy if it suspected of being cancer and its size is larger or more than 2.5 inches in diameter. It has a solid capsule outside and fluid is present inside.

Many women develop ovarian cyst at some point or other during their lifetime, cyst is mainly seen during ovulation  duration your menstrual cycle when ovaries releases egg. It sometimes causes pain along with some other symptoms but sometimes there is no symptoms present.

Make sure to take proper rest before surgery, surgeon will tell you to clean out your bowel before the surgery. You are not allowed to eat or drink anything after midnight as you have to be empty stomach before surgery. If you are under some medications take it with a small sip of water only. Remove all your piercings, jewellery and makeup before surgery.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

Yes, ovarian laparotomy is a major surgery in which a long incision is being made in the stomach wall to reach the abdominal organs, this procedure may take few hours to complete.

You will have an upside down and side to side incision depending on your present medical condition and your body type. Surgeon will use the internal stitches for bringing the tissues together and external incision for bringing the skin together. After you wake up your incision will be covered.

In your ovarian laparotomy surgery a single large cut is made in your tummy region to provide better access to your cyst, after that whole cyst is removed and send to laboratory to check for its malignancy. For closing incision stitches will be placed.

Post the Procedure (10 Questions):

If your cyst is completely removed there are no chances of it returning in future. In some rare cases the site will become infected, you should consult with your doctor if you are showing any signs of infection or redness, pain or fever.

Recovery time varies from one individual to other, once the cyst has been removed you may feel some pain in your abdomen region but this will go away in few days. You may need maximum 12 weeks to resume your normal activities or even less depending on your condition. You may feel nauseated for some time.

You should wear a loose fitting clothes after surgery without using any belt or waistband. Pullover type dress will be the best for you. You can also wear socks, shoes and mini-pads.

You should not do any strenuous activity for six weeks after surgery and not lift any heavy objects for about four weeks.

Six weeks is the initial recovery time after laparotomy, but it may vary according to the patient. It is very important to have consultation with your doctor if you face any difficulty.

You will need to stay in hospital for about 2 to 4 days after surgery and can resume your normal activities in about 4 to 6 weeks after surgery.  You can start doing your normal activities within a day.

You cannot sleep on your stomach after surgery because it can hurt your spine and also puts pressure on your hips. Yes, you can sleep on your side or back after surgery.

There will be catheter in your bladder after surgery, it is usually placed while you are sleeping and it is mainly used for emptying the bladder. This tube is usually removed in the morning after surgery, when you urinate for first time you may experience some pain or burning sensation.

Initially you will be advised to have clear fluids and light food for the first few days after the procedure.  You will be given intravenous till you are in hospital.

Yes, you can expect vaginal discharge or bleeding, you have to wear pad for this.

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