Mini Abdominoplasty E Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Cost of Mini Abdominoplasty E in Fortis Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Mini Abdominoplasty (E) is a body-contouring surgery to remove fatty tissues from the lower abdomen. It is a surgical procedure that also tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall.
Mini Abdominoplasty (E) involves an incision below the navel from where the surgeon tightens the loose muscles and removes the unwanted fatty tissues to give a flat abdomen.

Doctors for Mini Abdominoplasty E in Fortis Hospital Noida

A well-experienced plastic surgeon with experience in body-contouring surgeries should be consulted for Mini Abdominoplasty (E).

Leading Hospitals for Mini Abdominoplasty E in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Our Services for Mini Abdominoplasty E in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Success Rate

The success rate of post-Mini Abdominoplasty (E) is reported to be above 80% in which patients are satisfied with outcomes and do not require any revisional surgery. It takes approximately two weeks to heal from Mini Abdominoplasty (E). In the first few days, the patient may feel sore and swollen.
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Patient's Review

Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!

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