Micro Lumbar Discectomy Mld Cost In Medipol University Hospital Istanbul

Minimum Cost USD8100
Maximum Cost USD9900
  • Days In Hospital 2 days
  • Outside Hospital Stay 5 days
  • Success Rate 82-95%

Cost of Micro Lumbar Discectomy Mld in Medipol University Hospital Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Micro Lumbar Discectomy Mld cost in Medipol University Hospital Istanbul is between USD 8100 to USD 9900. Patient has to stay in the hospital for 2 days and outside the hospital for 5 days. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Microdiscectomy, also called Microlumbar Discectomy (MLD), is performed for patients with a painful lumbar herniated disc.
During the Micro Lumbar Discectomy procedure, there is the removal of a portion of the intervertebral disc, the herniated or protruding portion that is compressing the traversing spinal nerve root. This is done using a microscopic surgical approach with a small, minimally-invasive, poke-hole incision to remove the disc herniation, allowing for a more rapid recovery.

Cost related to Micro Lumbar Discectomy Mld in Medipol University Hospital Istanbul

Listing approximate price of Micro Lumbar Discectomy Mld and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Micro Lumbar Discectomy Mld USD 8100 USD 9900

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