Lithotripsy Cost In Manipal Hospital Bangalore

Cost of Lithotripsy in Manipal Hospital Bangalore: Detailed Overview

Lithotripsy is a medical procedure involving the physical destruction of hardened masses like kidney stones, bezoars or gallstones. The term is derived from the Greek words meaning breaking stones.
Lithotripsy is a procedure that uses shock waves to break up stones in the kidney and parts of the ureter (tube that carries urine from the kidneys to the bladder). After the procedure, the tiny pieces of stones pass out of the body in the urine.

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The success rate varies between 62-76%. Possible risks after Lithotripsy may include, Pain from passing stone fragments, Blocked urine flow if stone fragments get stuck in the urinary tract, Urinary tract infection, etc.
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Everything You Need to Know About Lithotripsy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (12 Questions):

Lithrotripsy is not recommended when you are pregnant, kidney infection, urinary tract infection or any other problems related to kidney.

If you have constipation it may be a problem for your lithotripsy, if there is presence of stool in kidney stone it will obscure kidney stone.  If you have not passed your bowel two days before the procedure you should definitely take laxative the night before your lithotripsy and empty your colon.

It is done under general anaesthesia in which you have  to do normal fasting for eight to twelve hours before administration of anaesthesia.

The kidney stone which is greater than 2 cm will need lithotripsy. Mostly kidney stones are small and they can easily pass without need of any treatment.

Lithotripsy is completely non invasive treatment and its success rate is higher but little bit lower than ureteroscopy. Ureteroscopy is somewhat more invasive but its success rate is higher than lithotripsy.

You should eat normal food during the procedure before surgery. Don’t drink or eat anything after midnight or as advised by your doctor because you have to undergo anaesthesia

Lithotripsy is used for breaking different types of stones as lithotripsy is the non invasive treatment for kidney stones, it can cause trauma to the kidney and its nearby structure.

More extensive treatment is needed for large kidney stones whose size is greater than 5mm. It is difficult for them to move through urinary tract they can even cause pain or severe symptoms.

Your doctor will recommend what is best for your kidney stones. You may be recommended to drink water, lemon juice, celery juice, pomegranate juice etc.

One night before your treatment you should eat low fat meal and avoid fatty, spicy and fried food because these can affect the efficacy of treatment.

You should eat light breakfast and lunch and only drink plain liquid if you want to have coffee have light coffee.

The success rate of lithotripsy is in between 50 to 75% and it is very successful in case of smaller stones.

During the Procedure (8 Questions):

Lithotripsy takes around 45 minutes to one hour to perform; it is mostly done under some form of anaesthesia. Lithotripsy sends a focused ultrasonic energy or shock waves to the first stone located with x ray or sound waves. The shock waves break the larger stone to a smaller stone which will pass through the urine.

For your comfort you will be given general anaesthesia so that you can lie down comfortably on bed.  X rays will be used for locating the stone before the treatment

If your lithotripsy goes wrong you can develop some form of infection or even damage your kidney when the fragment of stone blocks the flow of urine from your kidney. It may also cause damage to your kidneys.

It will take around 45 minutes to one hour to complete the procedure.

Shock wave lithotripsy is a very safe treatment to get rid of your kidney stones. If you are passing even a small fragment of kidney stone it will hurt you. You may feel some discomfort as the stone fragments pass away in days or weeks.

Both intravenous sedation anaesthesia and epidural anaesthesia is used during the procedure. Epidural anaesthesia  is mainly used during  immersion lithotripsy.

Lithotripsy is mainly done by urologist who are specialized in treating diseases of the urinary tract system.

Lithotripsy is done under general anaesthesia but you will be light sedation along with general anaesthesia when needed.

Post the Procedure (12 Questions):

It will take around four to eight weeks for all the fragments of kidney stone to pass through urine.

After the treatment or after 4 to 8 weeks of treatment, you may have some kind of nausea and pain during the passing of the kidney stones. You may also notice some kind of bruises on your back where stone treatment was done. Some pain can be expected during the procedure.

Stent is not mandatory after lithotripsy for every patient

You may feel an urgency to pass urine and you may feel pain during this. Kidney stones can be even present at both sides, it may stop the flow of urine which is a medical emergency.

Recovery after lithotripsy takes around one to two weeks

You will not feel any pain during the procedure as laser light are used during the procedure you may feel burning sensation when you feel and urge to urinate for several hour after treatment.

In 8 hours you should drink minimum 6 to 8 glasses  and in 24 hours you should drink  2 to 3 litres of water. You have not do any heavy exercise or workout after 24 hours of the procedure.

Shock wave lithotripsy has only got some minor side effects such as pain, discomfort and burning sensation during urination. Loss of renal function, hypertension and chances of forming new stones are the long term side effects of the procedures. 

After the procedure when you feel better you can go home. You can do your normal activities within one to two days after procedure.

You may feel some nausea, pain and discomfort after your treatment when the crushed fragment of stones passed from tube to kidney and the bladder. Immediately after the procedure the stone fragments will pass.

Yes it can cause blood clots because of the large amount of blood or blood clots in urine which indicates injury of kidney.

The stone fragments will pass within a week it may take around 4 to 8 weeks for the entire fragments to pass.

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