Jowl Liposuction General Cost In El Menzah

Cost of Jowl Liposuction General in El Menzah: Detailed Overview

Jowl Liposuction is a facial-contouring procedure in which excess fat is removed from the neck and jowls to give a firmer look.
In Jowl Liposuction, the surgeon makes an incision of about two centimeters beneath the chin or between the gums and bottom of the inner lower lip. Afterward, the surgeon inserts a cannula and move it back-and-forth to break the fat which is then sucked out. This process is performed under local anesthesia. However, if more than one facial surgery is performed, general anesthesia is preferred.

Doctors for Jowl Liposuction General in El Menzah

A cosmetic surgeon is a right doctor for Jowl Liposuction.

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Success Rate

The success rate post-Jowl Liposuction varies according to the follow-up care post-treatment. It takes around three weeks to return back to work after Jowl Liposuction surgery.
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Everything You Need to Know About Jowl Liposuction General: Q&A

Before the Procedure (4 Questions):

Jowl liposuction is a facial contouring process in the which the excess fat is being removed from the neck and jowl region for giving it a firmer appearance.

Yes, you can get rid of the isolated pocket of fat along the jawline which can effectively reduce or remove the appearance of jowls.

You can go for jowl liposuction if you are struggling with the presence of excess fat in your neck and jawline region. Candidate for jowl liposuction are those who have excess fat present in their neck and jowl area and good elasticity of skin.

You cannot go for jowl liposuction if you are having some disease such as diabetes and smoking which is more risky procedure.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

During the process of jowl liposuction an incision of  2 cm is made beneath the chin or in between the gums and the bottom of lower inner lip. After that cannula is being inserted and it is moved back and forth for breaking the fat which is then sucked out.

General anaesthesia is being given if more than one facial surgery is being done.

Jowl liposuction is being done by a cosmetic surgeon.

Post the Procedure (3 Questions):

Recovery time after jowl liposuction will take around three weeks after that patient can return back to their normal activity.

Recovery is quick usually within three days and complications are rare. Results are immediate and long lasting. You will get a appear younger and slimmer right away with a contoured, sculpted chin and better defined jaw line.

Some of the side effects of jowl liposuction are contour irregularities, swelling, bruising, fluid accumulation, numbness, infection and fat embolism.

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