Hyperprolactinemia Treatment Cost In Manipal Hospital Bangalore

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Cost of Hyperprolactinemia Treatment in Manipal Hospital Bangalore: Detailed Overview

Prolactin is a hormone produced by the pituitary gland. It helps stimulate and maintain breast milk production. Hyperprolactinemia describes an excess of this hormone in a person’s body. It’s normal to have this condition during pregnancy or when producing milk for breastfeeding. Certain conditions or use of specific medications, however, can cause hyperprolactinemia in anyone. The causes and effects of high prolactin levels vary depending on a person’s sex.
Treatment of hyperprolactinemia is mostly focused on returning prolactin levels to normal. In the case of a tumor, surgery may be needed to remove the prolactinoma, but the condition can often be managed with medication. The treatment may involve radiation, synthetic thyroid hormones, change of medication, medication to reduce prolactin, such as bromocriptine, etc.

Doctors for Hyperprolactinemia Treatment in Manipal Hospital Bangalore

The right doctor to consult for Hyperprolactinemia Treatment is a Gynecologist and obstetrician along with a Endocrinologist.

Leading Hospitals for Hyperprolactinemia Treatment in Manipal Hospital Bangalore

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I can't thank Dr. Richa Jagtab enough for doing my fibroid removal surgery. The hospital services were also very good. A big thank you! I recommend ART Fertility Hospital. My wife had her fibroid surgery there, and she received good care. It is the best hospital for quality treatment.


Everything You Need to Know About Hyperprolactinemia Treatment: Q&A

Before the Procedure (7 Questions):

Hyperprolactinemia is state of body in which there is presence of high level of hormone called prolactin in the blood. Prolactin is being produced by pituitary gland and it plays an important role in development of breasts.

One of the most important cause of hyperprolactinemia is the formation of benign tumor on the pituitary gland and this non cancerous growth is called prolactinoma which secrete excessive prolactin while decreasing level of other sex hormone. Some of the other causes ofhhyperprolactinemia are hypothyroidism, chronic kidney failure, antidepressants, antipsychotis, antihypertensives and anti-nausea medications.

Some of the symptoms of hyperprolactinemia in women are infertility, galactorrhea, infrequent or irregular period, amenorrhea and breast pain.

Some of the signs of hyperprolactinemia in men are erectile dysfunction, gynecomastia, galactorrhea, infertility and loss of libido. In some cases, headaches caused by the pituitary tumor or changes in vision may be the first sign of the condition in both men and women.

Even though hyperprolactinemia is considered to be very normal during pregnancy and breast feeding sometimes it can also be seen due to the disease and use of medication. It can affect both men and women resulting in irregular menstrual cycle and erectile dysfunction.

Prognosis of hyperprolactinemia is good. Even though hyperprolactinemia is not life threatening it can cause certain issues such as infertility and irregular periods.

Hyperprolactinemia treatment involves a routine blood tests to check the level of prolactin. If the levels of prolactin are elevated then you may be told to repeat the test for at least eight hours.

Post the Procedure (6 Questions):

If you don’t have any symptoms then there is no need of treatment, if the drug cannot be discontinued or substituted and patients have hypogonadal symptoms with low bone mass, estrogen or testosterone therapy should be done.

Hyperprolactinemia can be treated and the treatment of hyperprolactemia depends on what causes the excess secretion of prolactin. If you have tumor then you may need to undergo surgery to remove the tumor so that your pituitary gland can be returned to its normal.

Hyperpolactinemia treatment  is being done to return prolactin level to normal. Surgery may needed to remove the pituitary gland tumor if the medications are not working or poorly tolerated.

Radiotherapy is only being used if the medicines and the other surgical methods are not found to be effective.

If the medications are not working properly to shrink your prolactinoma then you may need surgery for removing it.

There is no other treatment which can be done for preventing hyperprolactinemia because this disease is also inherited it is passed by a condition called multiple endocrine neoplasia.

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