Hirsutism Treatment Cost In Kochi

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Cost of Hirsutism Treatment in Kochi: Detailed Overview

Hirsutism is the unwanted male-pattern hair growth on a woman's face, chest, and back. It can result from excess male hormones, called androgens. This may occur with certain medical conditions. It may also be inherited. Hirsutism results in excessive amounts of stiff and pigmented hair on body areas where men typically grow hair, including the face, chest, and back so the treatment is mandatory.
Hirsutism is often treated with a combination of approaches, including oral contraceptives with or without an antiandrogen, such as spironolactone, to lower levels or block actions of androgen on hair follicles.

Doctors for Hirsutism Treatment in Kochi

The right doctor to consult for Hirsutism Treatment is a Gynecologist and obstetrician.

Leading Hospitals for Hirsutism Treatment in Kochi

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Patient's Review

Armelle Fungula

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My IVF treatment at the International Fertility Centre went smoothly. The hospital staff helped me through everything and were very reliable. I am grateful to them.

Congo (Kinshasa)

Ashika Singh

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I would really like to thank Dr. Dinesh Kansal because I think without their constant support, I could never have managed to get relief from the abdominal pain I was living with. I am so thankful for your help.


Mrs. Rambacus Doularry

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I can't thank Dr. Richa Jagtab enough for doing my fibroid removal surgery. The hospital services were also very good. A big thank you! I recommend ART Fertility Hospital. My wife had her fibroid surgery there, and she received good care. It is the best hospital for quality treatment.


Everything You Need to Know About Hirsutism Treatment: Q&A

Before the Procedure (5 Questions):

Hirutism is the condition in which there is an excessive growth of dark and coarse hair in male like pattern especially on the face , chest and back region.  The extra hair growth is mainly seen due to the extra male hormone mainly the testosterone.

Hirsutism is mainly caused due to some conditions such as polycystic ovary syndrome, cushing syndrome, congenital adrenal hyperplasia, tumors and some medications.

Hirsutism is being diagnosed by some tests such as CT scans and ultrasound.

In Hirsutism stiff or dark body hair appears on the women body where women does not commonly have hair. It is mainly seen in the face, chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs and back region.   Some of the signs of Hirutism are deepening of voice, balding, acne, decrease breast size, increase muscle mass and enlargement of the clitoris.

Hirsutism looks like a stiff or dark body hair appears on the body where women does not have hair. It is mainly seen in face, chest, lower abdomen, inner thighs and back region.

Post the Procedure (5 Questions):

Yes, Hirsutism can be cured permanently by following the treatment plan of your doctor. Oral medications with topical treatment and laser or electrolysis procedure are used for permanently reducing or removing the unwanted hair on women body.

If there is no signs of Hirsutism then treatment is not necessary, some women who do not need treatment may need treatment for curing the underlying disorder. There are some medications which are being given for treating Hirutism these medications are given for upto six months.

In laser therapy a beam of highly concentrated light is passed over your skin for damaging your hair follicles and for preventing the hair from growing.  Laser treatment also involves electrolysis in which a tiny needle is being inserted into each hair follicle which emits a pulse of electric current to damage or destroy the follicles.

You can treat Hirutism on face by removing the hair or lightening it by shaving, plucking or by using hair removal creams or bleaching.

Fertility is mainly normal for patients having Hirsutism but it can also be impaired in patients having polycystic ovarian syndrome especially in those who are having irregular periods,

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