Hair Transplation Dhi Cost In Jaypee Hospital Noida

Doctors for Hair Transplation Dhi in Jaypee Hospital Noida

Any doctor trained in general medicine, dermatology, ER medicine or general surgery can perform this procedure.

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The main difference between FUE and DHI is in FUE surgeon manually implants the extracted grafts,whearas in DHI implanter is used
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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Hair Transplation Dhi: Q&A

Before the Procedure (6 Questions):

With the invention of modern techniques like DHI the process of hair transplant has become very safe, it can e completed within few hours and it gives permanent and lifetime result.

Direct hair implantation (DHI) is a modification of the FUE technique created by the company DHI Global Medical Group

Direct hair implantation (DHI) is a modified technique of FUE, as in FUE a surgeon makes holes in your scalp before implanting the hair follicles, in DHI a specialized pen shaped device is used for both making holes and transplanting the hair follicles.

You can go for DHI if your age is more than 25 years and your hair density is very less and you want to get thicker hair.

In FUE hair transplant procedure surgeon makes holes in your scalp for inserting your hair follicles. In DHI incisions are made and hair are transplanted at the same time. There is no long scar which is made in this procedure.

Yes, DHI hair transplant gives permanent result.

You should need to follow some instructions before your hair transplant such as:

  • Wash your hair and scalp
  • Don’t use any hair styling product like hair spray and gels
  • If you are taking any blood thinner medicines then avoid it one week before the procedure
  • Wear loose shirt or any clothes that can be easily removed from your head.
  • Don’t smoke and drink alcohol before one week of the procedure.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

It will take around  six to eight hours to perform the procedure depending upon the number of grafts.

DHI is a modified version of FUE, during this procedure your surgeon will remove hair follicle from your scalp usually from the back side of your head and then they are implanted into the bald part of the scalp.  It is done under following steps:

  • Your head will be shave and local anaesthesia will be given for numbing the area.
  • Using a fine tip, your surgeon will extract hair follicles from your back of your head.
  • In a pen shaped tool the hair follicles will be loaded and then they are transplanted into the bald area of your scalp.
  • Antibiotic and bandages will be applied to it.

In DHI all the procedures are performed by MCI registered and highly trained professional surgeons.

Post the Procedure (3 Questions):

Some of the temporary side effects of DHI are negative reaction of anaesthesia, infection, pain, swelling, undesired appearance and dizziness.

The success rate of DHI is 90 percent. It is only done by DHI hair specialist the desire depth and angle can be adjusted easily. It gives natural appearance of hair.

You should wash your hair after 36 hours of the procedure. You should go to the clinic for hair washing. After washing your hair drying should be done using a soft clean towel, you  should not scab your scab. The scabs will be removed in 10-15 days. Protect your hair from direct sunlight and take medicines as prescribed by doctor.

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