Gum Lifting Gingivectomy Cost In Freiburg

Cost of Gum Lifting Gingivectomy in Freiburg: Detailed Overview

Gingivectomy is the surgical removal of gum tissue or gingiva. Gingivectomy can be used to treat conditions like gingivitis. It’s also used to remove extra gum tissue for cosmetic reasons, such as to modify a smile.
During the Gingivectomy, a local anesthetic is applied to the gums to numb the area. The dentist uses a scalpel or laser tool to cut away pieces of gum tissue. This is called soft tissue incision. Once the tissue has been cut away, the dentist will use a laser tool to vaporize the remaining tissue and shape the gum line, followed by the placement of bandages.

Doctors for Gum Lifting Gingivectomy in Freiburg

The right doctor to consult for Gingivectomy is a Periodontist or a Dentist.

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Our Services for Gum Lifting Gingivectomy in Freiburg

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Usually, the success rate is high and varies between 86-92%.
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Frequently Asked Qestions Related to Gum Lifting Gingivectomy Cost

The doctor will take your general medical history and may ask you to undergo a complete blood count to rule out anemia and leukemia for the evaluation of your health, a full mouth periapical radiograph, a culture test to check for the presence of infections, a periodontal examination to evaluate any periodontal disease. The tests are not incurred in the package.

After the numbing from local anesthesia wears off a few hours after the procedure, you may feel some discomfort. Over-the-counter pain medication may help ease the pain. You may also need to take antibiotics to prevent gum infections. The pharmacy and medicine bills are included in the package when the patient is in the hospital. On the other hand, if the patient buys medicines outside the hospital, they are not included in the package.

Some post-surgery complications may occur such as bleeding that doesn’t stop, excessive pain that doesn’t get better over time or with home treatment, abnormal pus or discharge, and fever which require medical attention. Such procedures are not incurred in the package.

A Gum Lifting Gingivectomy is an outpatient procedure. A gingivectomy takes 30 to 60 minutes, depending on how much gum tissue your dentist removes.
Minor procedures involving a single tooth or several teeth will probably only take a single session. Major gum removal or reshaping may take several visits, especially if your dentist wants one area to heal before they move on to the next.

A gingivectomy is generally considered a cosmetic treatment, which means it is elective and not covered by insurance. However, if your dentist recommends undergoing surgery due to oral health reasons (such as severe gum disease), you may qualify for some insurance coverage.

Dental bonding and teeth whitening can improve the appearance of your teeth and typically cost less than gum reshaping surgery.

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