Full Mouth Implants Cost In Max Hospital Gurgaon

Cost of Full Mouth Implants in Max Hospital Gurgaon: Detailed Overview

Full Mouth Implant Treatment is the very best method of replacing all the teeth in one jaw or the entire mouth. A full mouth implant treatment is the only way to fully restore appearance, comfort, and function when compared to healthy natural teeth.
During the procedure, the oral surgeon reopens the gum to expose the dental implant, followed by an abutment attached to the dental implant. The gum tissue is then closed around, but not over, the abutment.

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Lyd Brunchault

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Thank you, Dr Neha Mall Garg, for explaining everything in detail about my dental implants. You did a really great job. I am pain-free now, thanks to you!


Everything You Need to Know About Full Mouth Implants: Q&A

Before the Procedure (15 Questions):

With proper care and maintenance, a dental implant can last for more than 25 years.

There are two main types of implants: Endosteal: These dental implants are placed in the jawbone. Typically made of titanium and shaped like small screws, they are the most commonly used type of implant. Subperiosteal: These dental implants are placed under the gum but on or above the jawbone.

NO,  dental implants are not susceptible to dental disease such as decay.

If you are missing all of your teeth, an implant-supported full bridge or full denture can replace them. Dental implants will replace both your lost natural teeth and some of the roots.

Dental implants are permanent teeth replacements and they've become a popular alternative to dentures over the past few years. While they cost more than dentures they last longer and save you money over time. Dental implants lead to fewer visits to the dentist because they're easier to maintain compared to dentures.

Success rates of dental implants vary depending on where in the jaw the implants are placed but in general dental implants have a success rate of up to 98% and with proper care implants can last a lifetime.

There is no upper age limit to having dental implants.

On average, it takes six to eight months for an implant to settle down but it can take even longer especially if you needed a bone graft.

There is usually a period of healing lasting from six weeks to six months.

Full mouth implants are being used for restoring the function and appearance of mouth they don’t only look like natural teeth and they also function like them. Since they are fixed you will not have any difficulty in speech.

Dental Implants are a good option when there is lack of natural roots of teeth so that dentist cannot build bridge or denture for replacement Implant placement has become very common practiced worldwide.

Yes, full mouth dental implants can be done in one day it will maximum take 30 minutes to 3 hours for completing your full mouth implant surgery.

Yes, full mouth implant will look natural. They are designed to look and feel just like natural teeth on comparing with other restorative options dental implants are the best suitable in terms of natural looking.

Even though the dental implants are made up of metal and they are firmly placed in your bone you should not feel any metallic taste in your mouth. You may feel some strange sensation when you eat for the first time; this will remain till few times when you eat. Once healing is done this sensation will not be there.

You can be a candidate for full mouth dental implants if you are in the process of losing teeth or you have lost half of your teeth, you have advanced periodontal disease then you may be eligible for full mouth implant. The remaining teeth will be extracted and the full arches will be fixed to four or more implants.

During the Procedure (4 Questions):

There are three phases in full mouth implants which can be different for each person, the overall duration of the full mouth implant will take from five to eight months and the surgical procedure of implant placement will take around 30 minutes to 3 hours to complete.

There are different stages of full mouth implant surgery and there is definite healing time  between each procedure. In the first step the damaged tooth is removed, then bone grafting is done, implant placed and abutment is being placed. During surgery to place the dental implant, a cut to open your gum and expose the bone. Holes are drilled into the bone where the dental implant metal post will be placed. Since the post will serve as the tooth root, it's implanted deep into the bone

Bone grafting is only needed when the jaw bone is not thick enough or too soft. Bone graft can be placed during your implant placement only, there are different bone graft material which is being used in bone grafting such as synthetic bone graft.

Once osseointegration is done you may need other minor surgery of placing the abutment the piece where crown can eventually gets attached. The gum is exposed to dental implants and then the abutment is being attached to this and then the gum tissue is being closed around the abutment.

Post the Procedure (6 Questions):

You may resume normal diet after the first week,Avoid crunchy hard foods like popcorn, nuts and chips for one week following the implant placement.

Only liquids like gelatin, pudding, soup, applesauce, ice cream yogurt etc are advised during the first two days following surgery in order to avoid food particles from lodging in the wound abd semi-liquid foods such as mashed potatoes, pancakes, eggs and soft pasta.

Once the implant is being placed in jaw bone then osseointegration will begin during this process the jaw bone grows and unites with the surface of implants.  This process will take several months to provide solid base for your new tooth.

The average time taken to heal from dental implants is in between four to six months, till this month complete healing is being done for placing the crown.

After your full mouth implant surgery you will notice some discomfort such as swelling of your gums, bruising of your skin and gums, pain at implant site and minor bleeding. Your doctor will prescribe you with antibiotics and pain killers after surgery.

You are required to eat soft foods till healing is complete. You have to take medications as prescribed by your doctor and the most important is that you have to maintain your oral hygiene.  If you have a habit of smoking then you should stop it immediately.

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