Dental Inlays And Onlays Cost In Florence Nightingale Hospital Istanbul

Minimum Cost USD 450
Maximum Cost USD 550
  • Success Rate 86-92%

Cost of Dental Inlays And Onlays in Florence Nightingale Hospital Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Dental Inlays And Onlays cost in Florence Nightingale Hospital Istanbul is between USD 450 to USD 550. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Inlays are a special type of filling that can address cavities and other damage, while onlays take care of more severe damage done to the cusps of a tooth. Both are cemented to the tooth after the damaged portion of the tooth is removed or prepared.
During the dental inlay and onlay procedure crown preparation is done, while giving an adequate amount of protection to the tooth. The preparation of opposing cavity walls should be cut in a way to avoid undercuts in order to gain optimum retention from the cavity shape for the indirect restoration.

Leading Hospitals for Dental Inlays And Onlays in Florence Nightingale Hospital Istanbul

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Our Services for Dental Inlays And Onlays in Florence Nightingale Hospital Istanbul

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How much does Dental Inlays And Onlays cost in different countries?

For patients planning to travel abroad it is useful to know the price in destinations popular with medical travellers. The price for Dental Inlays And Onlays in different countries is approximately:

Countries Min. Cost Max. Cost
Thailand USD 280 USD 420
India USD 80 USD 120
Malaysia USD 160 USD 240

Success Rate

Usually, the success rate is high and varies between 86-92%.
Our services
Our services are FREE and by using our services your hospital bill does not increase!

Frequently Asked Questions Related to Dental Inlays And Onlays Cost

Evaluation before the procedure may involve a physical exam and imaging tests such as X- rays to determine the extent of tooth decay. The package typically includes the cost of the tests.

The success of the treatment depends on the prognosis of the tooth on which the procedure has to be done. The nerves in the treatment site can sometimes become irreversibly inflamed, due to excess pressure placed on the tooth during crown preparation. This may necessitate a root canal treatment.

A Dental Inlay or Onlay placement is an outpatient procedure. A majority of patients don’t feel any discomfort. The recovery time for inlays and onlays only takes a few days. However, your teeth are still susceptible to plaque and oral bacteria buildup over time. It is essential to practice good oral hygiene to keep the restorations clean and strong.

Most dental insurance plans will cover some to all of the costs associated with the inlay and onlay procedure because these treatments are considered restorative. In some insurance plans, the coverage for a crown is usually 50% of the cost of the procedure, with the patient liable for the rest.

For very small holes and areas of decay, tooth-colored composite fillings are an option. If you have an area of decay too large for inlays/ onlays, doctors may recommend a porcelain crown instead.

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