Cervical Laminotomy Cost In Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh New Delhi

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Cost of Cervical Laminotomy in Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh New Delhi: Detailed Overview

Cervical Lamninotomy is a surgical procedure in, which the lamina is removed. It is also called as decompression surgery.
The procedure involves, the removal of the bony roof and any soft tissue which is causing compression of the spinal canal.

Doctors for Cervical Laminotomy in Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh New Delhi

For Cervical Laminotomy, the right doctor to consult is a Neurosurgeon or an Orthopedic Spine Surgeon as they both are qualified and trained in the field of back and neck surgery.

Cost related to Cervical Laminotomy in Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh New Delhi

Listing approximate price of Cervical Laminotomy and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Anterior cervical discectomy and fusion (ACDF) Rs.288600 Rs.384800

Leading Hospitals for Cervical Laminotomy in Fortis Hospital Shalimar Bagh New Delhi

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Usually, the success rate varies between 62-94%. FYI, Laminectomy is the total removal of the lamina whereas in laminotomy there is a partial removal of the lamina.
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Patient's Review

Roland Murphy

My friend recommended that I come to India for my spine surgery. I came and consulted Dr. Sudhir Dubey at Medanta Hospital. He was very professional and calm.....Highly recommended!


Ms. Mable Kadungure

I came to India for spine surgery as I couldn't walk or sit without pain. Dr. S K Rajan performed my spine surgery, and I believe I made the right choice. Thanks!


Mr. Duncan Emmanuel

I took my son to India for spine surgery as he was diagnosed with kyphosis. Dr. S.K. Rajan performed the surgery, and we are grateful to him.

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