Breast Reconstruction With Implant Cost In Liv Hospital Istanbul

Leading Hospitals for Breast Reconstruction With Implant in Liv Hospital Istanbul

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Our Services for Breast Reconstruction With Implant in Liv Hospital Istanbul

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Patient's Review

Mrs. Soledad Morinigo

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I am very happy with my liposuction surgery. Dr. Omer Sagir Soledad is a very good doctor; do consider him if you want good results.


Nancy-Lee Cuevas

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My Abdominoplasty and Liposuction done at Medistanbul Hospital and the operation was well executed. The doctors and nurses were perfect. Thank you all!

United States

Soledad Fabiola Morinigo Ayala

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Dr. Omer Sagir was always attentive and caring. He performed my liposuction, and I am extremely satisfied. I highly recommend his services.


Everything You Need to Know About Breast Reconstruction With Implant: Q&A

Before the Procedure (7 Questions):

There is no studies which have shown that women who go for breast implant their chances of breast cancer increases. Implants delays the detection of breast cancer according to studies from National Cancer Institue.

There is no age limit for breast reconstruction some women who are in their late 40s and 50s have undergone breast augmentation and got good result of the procedure.  Whatever age you are you should schedule your consultation with plastic surgeon and get your desired result.

Pregnancy will change the size and shape of your breast whether implants have placed or not. You can go for breast implant after six months of the surgery. There is no damage to the mammary glands, you can breast feed your baby safely.

Women whose breasts are sagging can also go for breast implant, depending on the amount of sagging of breast other surgery may be needed. For breast implant with nipples which are dropping with the breast level, breast lift surgery is needed for it.  The additional surgery will remove the extra skin the placement of implant and the sagging.

During your consultation your surgeon will check your breast size and then suggest you the new size of the implant the new size of your implant will be two to three times  your original size.

The cost depends on the type of implant, the location of clinic, qualification of doctor, charges of anaesthetist.

 There are two types of breast implant which are used in breast enlargement surgery:

  • Saline breast implants- Saline implants consist of an outer shell filled with sterile salt water. They are used in breast reconstruction for women of any age. They are also used in revision surgery for correcting and improving the result of original surgery.
  • Silicone breast implants-Silicone implants have an outer shell that is filled with silicone gel. Silicone implants are used in revision surgery for correcting the result of the original surgery.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

It will take around one to two hours for the surgery to be done.

Breast implant surgery is done under general anaesthesia and it is completed within one to two hour. The following steps are being followed in breast implant surgery:

  • First an incision is made either in the fold of your breasts, under your arm and around your nipple. 
  • Breast tissue is separated from muscles and connective tissue of the chest to make a pocket for inserting implants.
  • After inserting implants the incision are closed by non-stitch bandage till recovery.

For breast implant to soften it will take around eight weeks to six months, if you think that your breast appears to be hard in more than six months you should visit your plastic surgeon.  After surgery swelling can lead to firmness of newly placed implants.

Post the Procedure (8 Questions):

After your breast implant surgery you may have some pain, stiffness, redness, swelling, bruises in the breast region. All these side effect of breast implant surgery are temporary in nature and they go with time.  You only have to avoid doing any physical activities for minimum of 2 weeks.

Many women complain of loss of nipple sensation after breast augmentation surgery which becomes normal after six to twelve months.  15 percent women feels some alterations in their nipple sensation.

Most patient can walk immediately after the surgery. They should not perform any intense physical exercise for six weeks after the surgery as  they can shift the position of implant or may cause healing problem.

It depends on the job which you are doing breast implant surgery usually do not recommend jaw movement like lifting heavy objects for one to two weeks after surgery. You should not lift any heavier object till 6 months of surgery.

There is moderate pain after breast augmentation surgery  in the first two weeks after surgery which can be easily controlled by taking pain medications.

You can start driving one week after the surgery after you are not taking any pain medications.

You can easily do all your physical activities after your healing has been completed. There will be no effect of doing intense physical activity of your implant as your healing is completed.

Yes, you can definitely feed after breast augmentation there is no damage to the lactiferous duct and mammary glands after breast augmentation.

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