Breast Lumpectomy Cost In Jaypee Hospital Noida

Doctors for Breast Lumpectomy in Jaypee Hospital Noida

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Mr. Lavindra Singh

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Dr. Gaurav Dixit accurately diagnosed my leukaemia when others couldn't. His treatment has led to excellent results for me and I'm doing very well.


Mr. Mohammed Zakir Hossain

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My husband was treated for Sarcoma at HCG Hospital; the facilities and the doctors were very good. I really appreciate everyone.


Ms. Marica Lutu

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I want to thank Dr. Arun Kumar Giri for my thyroid cancer treatment. He supported me. May god bless him for the work he is doing. Thank you!


Ms. Roza Woldeamlak

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My mother and I came from Ethiopia for her cancer treatment. Dr. Aruj Dhyani and his team are very nice and kind. Thank you for everything in these three months.


Mrs. Patricia Mubvumbi

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My mother was suffering from cervical cancer, and Dr. Hemant B. Tongaonkar handled the treatment very well. The Hospitality at Nanavati Hospital was just awesome.


Mrs. Tuimoala Lusiana

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I am impressed with how BLK Max handled my wife's cancer treatment. The hospital has some of the best facilities. I am very thankful we came here. I went to India for my wife's endometrial cancer and consulted Dr. Chandragouda Dodagoudar. Now she looks very healthy. Thanks to the doctor.


Everything You Need to Know About Breast Lumpectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (4 Questions):

Breast lumpectomy is the procedure to remove cancer or any other  abnormal tissues from your breast while maintaining the appearance of the breasts.

Breast lumpectomy is being done for removing cancer or any other abnormal tissues while maintaining the growth of the breasts, you may be recommended to undergo lumpectomy if the cancer is small and at its early stage.

Yes, lumpectomy is a major surgery with some risks and complications after some time other treatments may be needed for lumpectomy such as chemotherapy or radiotherapy.

Lumpectomy is not painful because it is performed under local or general anaesthesia. After the procedure patient may have pain which usually resolves within few days and can be reduced by taking painkillers.

During the Procedure (4 Questions):

Usually lumpectomy is a short, outpatient procedure it will take about 15 to 40 minutes to complete the procedure.

Usually lumpectomy is not done under general anaesthesia but in some cases it can be done under moderate sedation with local anaesthesia.

In lumpectomy surgery, the surgeon will make an incision over the tumor and removes the tumor and the surrounding tissues and then sent it to the lab for analysis.

In lumpectomy more than 30% of the breast tissue is removed. 3-4 cm long incision is being considered safe for lumpectomy for medium to large breasts.

Post the Procedure (6 Questions):

Healing time after breast lumpectomy usually takes few days to weeks, after that you will be well enough to return to your work within two to three days. After one week you can resume your normal physical activities.

The tenderness of your breasts will usually subsides in about 2-3 days and bruises will subside within 2 weeks. Swelling and firmness will be there for three to six months.  In the first few days you may feel a soft lump in your breasts which turns hard.

Most people need radiation therapy for destroying the remaining microscopic cancer cells. Radiation therapy effectively kills cancer while preserving the look and feel of your breasts.

Potential complications of lumpectomy surgery include infection, bruising and swelling (called lymphedema) in your arm or hand closest to the affected breast.

It will take around two weeks after a lumpectomy to heal completely, you may find yourself tired after surgery. If you take rest for few days or you can give your body the time to rest it will need to recuperate.

An infection near the incision site can be a serious health risk. You should call your doctor right away if you have any of these symptoms in or near the affected breast such as swelling, redness and pain which becomes worst after surgery.

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