Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery Cost In Apollo Hospital Bangalore

Cost of Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery in Apollo Hospital Bangalore: Detailed Overview

Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery is a treatment to remove a lump that develops on one or both sides of the neck or below the collarbone. It occurs when the tissues in the branchial cleft don't develop properly.
During Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery, the surgeon makes a series of horizontal incisions to dissect the diseased portion of the branchial cleft cyst. The surgical process is an outpatient procedure and performed under general anesthesia. In mild cases, the doctor prescribes antibiotics to drain out the fluid from the cyst.

Doctors for Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery in Apollo Hospital Bangalore

An otolaryngologist is a right choice for Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery.

Leading Hospitals for Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery in Apollo Hospital Bangalore

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The recurrence rate following Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery is uncommon with an estimation of 3%. Damage to surrounding vascular and neural structures are complications post-Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery.
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Patient's Review

Mr. Bhye Zaheed Goolamun

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My father also went to Nanavati hospital last year and received excellent treatment. That's why I brought my husband there for his sinusitis treatment. I highly recommend this hospital.


Aristotles De Almeida

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My son was born with a hearing problem, that's why we came to India for his treatment, and we are so relieved to be leaving Medanta Hospital after his successful surgery. Highly recommended hospital.


Little Fawzia

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We are fortunate that we reached out to Dr. Kumud Kumar Handa for our sister's ENT operation. Dr. Handa is truly the best ENT Surgeon in India. We are very happy with the treatment. Thank you so much


Everything You Need to Know About Branchial Cleft Cyst Surgery: Q&A

Before the Procedure (5 Questions):

Branchial cleft cysts are the small fluid filled sacs which resembles a lump below the skin and on the side of the neck. They are seen at any age but they are mainly found in children.

Branchial cyst are rare or common and they not cause any problem. Branchial cyst are one of the most common forms of neck masses or lumps mainly in children.

Usually branchial cyst does not have any symptoms they can cause some symptoms such as:

  • Painless lump or swollen area below the skin of the neck
  • Some cyst may ooze fluid through the punctum
  • Difficulty in swallowing food
  • Tightness in your chest while taking deep breath

Branchial cleft cyst is being diagnosed by CT scan, MRI, Chest x –ray, ultrasound and hearing examination.

Yes, you should get your branchial cleft surgery done even if it is not causing any problem. You will be recommended surgery to remove the cyst so that there can be less chances of getting it infected.

During the Procedure (2 Questions):

Each branchial cleft cyst type might require different treatment. Some of the treatment of branchial cyst includes:

  • Antibiotics to treat infected cysts.
  • Surgery to remove the cysts.
  • Partial thyroidectomies

Branchial cleft cyst is most commonly removed by surgery in which sinus tract and cyst is being removed. A series of horizontal incisions, known as a stairstep or stepladder incision, is made to fully dissect out the occasionally tortuous path of the branchial cleft cysts.

Post the Procedure (3 Questions):

This is very rare even though lots of malignancies have been reported with branchial cleft cyst including papillary thyroid carcinoma and branchiogenic carcinoma. Even though the result of the surgery is not good but cyst can occur again if the surgery occurred during an active infection.

If branchial cyst is left untreated it can cause some serious complications such as infection  such ad cyst fills will bacteria or pus will become abscess. If the abscess burst there can be a risk of blood poisoning.

If you are having fever higher than 110 Fahrenheit, there is more drainage and swelling. Painkillers are not effective in treating the disease.

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