Braces Adjustment Treatment Cost In Medicana International Istanbul

Cost of Braces Adjustment Treatment in Medicana International Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Braces Adjustment is a procedure to replace worn bands, add spacers, and address any issues with pain or discomfort (for example, if a wire is poking the mouth). During the tightening process itself, the orthodontist will fit the wire to the brackets so that they will continue to exert pressure.
For Braces Adjustment the orthodontist will remove the elastics that hold the archwire (the wires that go around the teeth to gently apply pressure in certain directions) to the brackets (the metal components that are adhered directly to your teeth), disposing of them if they are worn out or nearing that point.

Doctors for Braces Adjustment Treatment in Medicana International Istanbul

The right doctor for Braces Adjustment is an Orthodontist.

Leading Hospitals for Braces Adjustment Treatment in Medicana International Istanbul

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