Beard Transplant Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Cost of Beard Transplant in Fortis Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Beard Transplant is a hair transplant procedure that involves the extraction of hair from other body parts and sticks it to the face.
Beard Transplant involves the extraction of tiny individual hair follicles from the scalp where the volume is high. These follicles are then transplanted into bald patches.

Doctors for Beard Transplant in Fortis Hospital Noida

A facial hair transplant surgeon who has expertise in facial hair transplant is the best doctor for Beard Transplant.

Leading Hospitals for Beard Transplant in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Success Rate

The overall success rate of Beard Transplant lies between 90 to 95 percent. The key to survival post-transplant depends on the grafts that have been prepared and stored for implantation. Beard Transplant results are permanent which shows the best and proper results after six to seven months.
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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Beard Transplant: Q&A

Before the Procedure (8 Questions):

Beard transplant  can hide the facial scars, cleft chin or the damage done by any burn or low density of hair. The transplanted  hair will grow naturally within some months which result in thicker density of hair and full beard.

As this procedure is done under local anesthesia there will be no side effects and the pain is also very minimum. You will have some swelling after the procedure which will go within some days

Yes, beard transplant looks natural it gives natural looking result for loss hair. Hair transplanted from the beard doesn’t grow thick as beard hair but it grows like thin hair.

Beard transplant surgery is done in an outpatient procedure using local anaesthesia  you are not likely to experience any pain and discomfort during the procedure. You may have some swelling and redness for some days.

Yes, beard transplant definitely works as long as you have hair on your face and other body part hair transplant is definitely going to work.

There is no fixed age for undergoing beard transplant but you can go for the till 25 years of age, till your beard growth has completed.

Yes, beard transplant is completely safe procedure there are only some temporary side effects of the procedures which subsides with time.

It will take around 2-3 hours for beard transplant depending on the amount of graft needed for transplantation.

During the Procedure (2 Questions):

The number of grafts needed for beard transplant depends on the bald are in the beard  and the density required. The number of grafts may take around 300 to 600.

In the process if beard hair transplant hair is usually taken from the scalp and then they are transplanted to the facial region.  Beard hair transplant give thick density of hair in the beard and moustache. In the process of beard hair transplant hair is transplanted from the scalp to the beard.  Men will go for the procedure of facial hair transplant and to make their beard thick and to partly cover the area of baldness. The newly transplanted hair can be  shaved and hairstyles can be made out of it. The technique used in transplantation of beard hair is follicular unit extraction technique. In this technique hair is taken from the back or posterior side of the scalp. The newly transplanted hair is then re-implanted with the help of implanter.

Post the Procedure (5 Questions):

It will only take around 10 days for beard transplant to heal the result is quick and the result will subside within a week.

The scar of beard hair transplant is very small it is not visible. The scars will only be visible when you shave your beard.

After 10 days of the procedure you can shave the signs of the procedure will not be visible after one week. Your new beard hair will fall out after two to three week of the procedure.

You may wait around 48 hours before washing your beard you can take shower from your body but you have to keep your head and beard dry.

Your transplanted hair will begin to fall out after 15 to 30 days of the surgery but new follicles are ready for growth. About 90 days your beard growth will be completed and follicles have settled in their place.

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