Augmentation Mastopexy Cost In Fortis Hospital Noida

Cost of Augmentation Mastopexy in Fortis Hospital Noida: Detailed Overview

Augmentation Mastopexy is a combined anesthetic procedure for reshaping and uplifting the breasts to an appropriate size that appears youthful and perkier.
In Augmentation Mastopexy, the surgeon makes an incision along the edge of the areola. Afterward, the surgeon removes the undesired skin or fat tissues and inserts implants. The surgeon then sutures the incisional area.

Doctors for Augmentation Mastopexy in Fortis Hospital Noida

A board-certified plastic surgeon should be chosen for Augmentation Mastopexy.

Leading Hospitals for Augmentation Mastopexy in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Our Services for Augmentation Mastopexy in Fortis Hospital Noida

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Success Rate

There are lesser chances of revisional surgery after Augmentation Mastopexy which is about 12.4% and a higher probability of being successful. Breast Augmentation Mastopexy procedure remains effective for 10 to 15 years. Rest, it depends on follow-up care that is being followed by an individual post-surgery.
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Fatima Sambo

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Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Augmentation Mastopexy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (4 Questions):

Augmentation Mastopexy is a procedure which is designed to lift and reshape the breast and to increase the size of the breast by placing implants. It uses excess breast tissue and gives its shape and volume according to current status of breast.

Breast augmentation will make your breast bigger while mastopexy will lift your breast and tightens the loose skin of breast.  We do breast augmentation with mastopexy regularly.  Your need will be decided during your consultation according to your evaluation your surgeon will recommend you the best procedure according to you.

No part of our body are mirror images of each other. Asymmetrical breast is caused due to the asymmetry I the shape, size and position of breast and also due to asymmetry in ribs and spine. If you want  to go for breast augmentation with implants asymmetry can be seen.

Good candidates for a breast lift are at a healthy weight and have no other medical concerns with their breasts. We require patients seeking a breast lift to undergo proper breast cancer screening before surgery.

During the Procedure (4 Questions):

Augmentation mastopexy surgery takes around one to two hours to complete.  After surgery you will be kept under observation for  2-3 hours.

General anaesthesia will be given along with intravenous sedation.

By making an incision below the chest wall implant is placed and then the repositioning of the breast, nipple and the skin is done and the anatomy of the breast is restored.

Augmentation mastopexy is done by an experienced plastic or cosmetic surgeon.

Post the Procedure (5 Questions):

After one to two weeks of your mastopexy you can drive only if you are not taking the prescription for controlling your pain.

The procedure will take around one to three hours depending on the amount of work to be done. After surgery a specialized surgery tape or padded bra will be placed on your breast. You will be in the recovery room and medications will be provided for relieving pain and nausea. You will be sent home with pain medications and postoperative instructions. To get the best result you should take rest after surgery for the first surgery and most patient experience discomfort at the surgical site.  After one week pain will subside after that you will feel better and resume your normal work. Recovery of the surgery varies according to individual and the procedure performed, swelling and bruising will improve after one week of surgery. During your recovery period you should not do any physical activity for six weeks.

In most of the cases the scar appearance can be minimized, scars are usually made in circular, vertical and inverted pattern. The scars fade with time and their final dimension and colour are difficult to predict.

Complications of the surgery are relatively uncommon such as scars, asymmetrical breasts, bleeding, infection, swelling and numbness of breast region. Sagginess  and loss or nipple sensation can also occur. Mild infections can be treated with antibiotics.

Final mastopexy should be done after three to fourth months of the surgery, and the incision heals and the swelling resolves after  surgery.  Scar fades and becomes lighter with time.

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