Apicoectomy Cost In Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Istanbul

Cost of Apicoectomy in Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Istanbul: Detailed Overview

Apicoectomy, also known as retrograde root canal treatment or root-end filling, is an endodontic surgical procedure whereby a tooth's root tip is removed and a root end cavity is prepared and filled with a biocompatible material.
During an apicoectomy, a very small incision is made to open the gum tissue near the troublesome tooth. With the underlying bone exposed, the doctor uses a special microscope and advanced equipment to remove the infected tissue along with the end of the root tips.

Leading Hospitals for Apicoectomy in Hisar Hospital Intercontinental Istanbul

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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Apicoectomy Cost

Before going for Apicoetomy surgery, your dentist will recommend you to undergo some basic tests such as tooth x rays and some blood investigations such as CBC, BT, CT and INR. Your dentist may also prescribe you to undergo some procedures such as tooth cleaning and you may be advised to do brushing and flossing.

There is no as such need of any medicines, only antibiotics and painkillers are given for five days. The medicines cost will be provided to you in the package but if you have decided to get your medicines from somewhere else then you have to pay for it.

Apicoectomy is a day care procedure it doesn’t require any hospital stay you can go home on the same day after surgery.

The surgery is completed within 30 minutes to one hour and after the surgery you can go home. Apicoectomy surgery involves making an incision in the gums mainly at the root end of the tooth, the root end of the tooth is trimmed and the infectious pockets are removed  and the tip of the root end are filled and sealed and flap is stitched. After surgery patient will have pain and swelling at for maximum three days after surgery and after three days swelling starts subsiding. You have to visit your dentist after seven days of your surgery to get your stitches removed; dentist will take an x ray to see whether the site is healing properly or not. You have to visit your dentist every month because the new tissue will take around six months to completely form.

Even though apicoectomy is not a major procedure but some of the insurance companies do cover the cost of the apicoectomy procedure.

Some of the alternative options for Apicoectomy procedure includes having the affected tooth extracted. You can get your implant done or a bridge  installed to restore the look and function of your tooth.

Everything You Need to Know About Apicoectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (3 Questions):

Apicoectomy is the procedure where the inflamed gum which is present at the end of root of tooth is removed while its top is remain in place, it is also called as root-end resection because it works on the end of your root.

An apicoectomy is needed when the root canal treatment does not solve the issue, if you have undergone root canal but you still have pain and swelling then you need apicoectomy and the tooth becomes infected or painful for months after standard root canal.

Apicoectomy is more invasive and painful than root canal surgery and its recovery time is more.

During the Procedure (3 Questions):

Apioceotomy takes around 30 to 90 minutes to complete under local anaesthesia.

Apicoectomy are being done by dentist.

First x ray of the teeth and jaw is taken. Small cuts are being made in your gums near the tooth and the bone is examined and the infected tissue is being removed. If necessary then the end of the root is being cut and the tip of the root canal is sealed and few stitches are made to help in healing of gums with time the bone will heal around the root.

Post the Procedure (4 Questions):

It will take around six weeks to completely recover and the sutures should be completely dissolve but healing from apicoectomy takes longer time. Some patients heal only after few months, depending on the complexity of surgery it will take around six months to fill the new tissue.

The results of the treatment are known to be permanent  patients find this procedure find it very easy to recover from the surgery and with a little care of your teeth, there are no further signs of the infections associated with it.

Apicoectomy causes some discomfort, you may have some minor bleeding which does not anesthesia.  It’s normal to have some minor bleeding after your procedure since your gums are cut and stitched, but this should go away after 1 to 2 hours. You can manage pain and inflammation with anti-inflammatories.

Your dentist might not perform an apicoectomy if your root is fused or the tooth is beyond repair. In these cases, your tooth might need to be pulled into

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