Anti Wrinkle Treatment Cost In Jaypee Hospital Noida

Minimum Cost Rs.68820
Maximum Cost Rs.91760

Doctors for Anti Wrinkle Treatment in Jaypee Hospital Noida

Leading Hospitals for Anti Wrinkle Treatment in Jaypee Hospital Noida

How much does Anti Wrinkle Treatment cost in different cities in India?

The price varies across the cities. Tier 1 Cities are usualy more expencive thane tier 2 cities. The price for Anti Wrinkle Treatment in different cities in India is approximately in the range of:

Cities Min. Cost Max Cost
New Delhi Rs.58153 Rs.90957
Gurgaon Rs.59644 Rs.89466
Noida Rs.55916 Rs.93194
Chennai Rs.59644 Rs.85738
Mumbai Rs.61135 Rs.90957
Bangalore Rs.58153 Rs.87975
Kolkata Rs.55916 Rs.84247
Jaipur Rs.52189 Rs.83502
Mohali Rs.53680 Rs.126744
Ahmedabad Rs.49952 Rs.82756
Hyderabad Rs.57407 Rs.87229

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Our Services for Anti Wrinkle Treatment in Jaypee Hospital Noida

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How much does Anti Wrinkle Treatment cost in different countries?

For patients planning to travel abroad it is useful to know the price in destinations popular with medical travellers. The price for Anti Wrinkle Treatment in different countries is approximately:

Countries Min. Cost Max. Cost
Turkey USD 1600 USD 2400
Thailand USD 800 USD 1200
Israel USD 1600 USD 2400
Malaysia USD 2000 USD 3000
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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Anti Wrinkle Treatment Cost

It may be recommended to conduct blood tests, physical examinations of the skin, and other tests before anti-wrinkle treatment. Treatment packages include the cost of testing as well.

Pharmacy and prescription expenses are included in the hospital package when a patient is in the hospital. The package does not cover medications purchased outside of the hospital.

It may take 30 minutes to treat small regions of the face, while it may take up to two hours to treat the entire face. According to the type of injection and the nature of the problem treated, the regions usually recover within five to 21 days.

In the 24 hours following your anti-wrinkle treatment, you should maintain a clean environment, avoid touching or rubbing the treated area, wear only mineral cosmetics if necessary, and stay away from alcohol.

No. As cosmetic surgery, treatment for aging skin may not be covered by health insurance companies.

Chemical Peels, Microdermabrasion, Botox, Laser, Fillers, and Facelifts are some of the alternatives for anti-wrinkle injections treatment.

Patient's Review

Fatima Sambo

star rating star rating star rating star rating star rating

Fortis Hospital is the best hospital. I went there and had my cosmetic surgery done by Dr. Adhishwar Sharma. I am so grateful for everything. Thanks!


Everything You Need to Know About Anti Wrinkle Treatment: Q&A

Before the Procedure (3 Questions):

Wrinkles are the normal part of aging, they may be seen on the part of body which gets maximum sun exposure such as face, neck, back of hands and top of forearm.

With age the skin cells starts dividing slowly and the inner layer called as dermis begins to become thin which affects the skin structure and stretchiness. As with age the skin starts to lose its ability to hold moisture and it makes the process slower and it causes wrinkles. Other causes of wrinkles are smoking, heredity, sun exposure and repeat facial expression.

You should start using the anti wrinkle products in your 20s or in your early 30s because this is the right time when the wrinkles start drooping.

During the Procedure (5 Questions):

Treatment options for wrinkles are:

  • Retinoids – Retiniods are the most proven and effective way of making the signs of aging more better such as uneven pigmentation, roughness and wrinkles. Initially you may have some redness and peeling but it can be unpleasant when peeling stops.
  • Alpha-hydroxy acids-Alpha-hydroxy acid contains glycolic and lactic acid and the preparation of these fruits are very and safe and they don’t cause and mild and they don’t cause mild and temporary irritation.
  • Antioxidants-Antioxidants provide protection against sun and they mildly improve wrinkles.
  • Glycolic acid peels- Glycolic acid peels are superficial peels and they make very small difference in the intensity of fine wrinkles.
  • Deeper peels- Deeper peels penetrate deeper in skin and they smoothens the fine lines and they can cause some side effects such as scar formation and change in skin colour. If the peels are deep then there are chances of some side effects such as scar formation and change in skin colour.
  • Dermabrasion- Dermabrasion produces a great effect on skin by its sandblasting effect and the side effect of the procedure includes scar formation and change in skin colour.

Lasers are used to stimulate the production of collagen which plumps up the skin and there are  different types of laser being used. You have to ask your doctor about the time needed for the skin to heal without any risks.

Plastic surgery such as face lift, brow lift have helped people and for some other people it is just a minor surgical procedure.

Ultrasound therapy called ultherapy which uses ultrasound technique for tightening the skin of the face, neck and chin region and it is also being used for the wrinkles on chest area.

Some injections such as Botox are being used for relaxing the muscles which produces fine lines around the eyes, forehead and other wrinkles. Significant improvement has been seen over few years  and other than wrinkles fillers are being injected in skin folds mainly near the mouth to improve the appearance of wrinkles. Fillers stimulate the collagen production which improves the tone and texture of the skin.

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