Bizning hamkorimiz bo'ling!

Dunyoning eng yaxshi gastroenterologiga murojaat qiling: Doktor Najib Zaydan sog'lom qorin uchun

Dr Najib Zeidan is one of the best Gastroenterologist in Dubai and Senior consultants with more than 34 years of field experience. He specializes in Digestive Endoscopy- diagnostic and therapeutic management, Chronic hepatobiliary diseases, all cases related to gastro and Colonoscopy / Gastroscopy and other diagnostic procedures. Currently, he is working with Saudiya Germaniya kasalxonasi, which is regarded as one of Dubai's most prestigious hospitals.

He completed his MD from Syria's Damascus University and his C.E.S (Gastroenterology) from France's Tours University. He also has a long list of international publications, articles, and presentations to his name. He worked as a Consultant at International Modern Hospital, Dubai, Consultant, Almisahri Hospital, Riyadh and Consultant, Dallah Hospital, Riyadh. Doktor Najib Zaydan speaks Arabic and English well.

Tibbiyot mutaxassislari bilan bog'laning

Shaklni yuborish orqali men rozilik bildiraman Foydalanish shartlari va Maxfiylik siyosati Vaidam salomatligi.

Treatment Provided by Dr Najib Zeidan

  • Ichak tutilishining oldini olish
  • Kron kasalligi
  • Transesofageal ekokardiyografi - TEE
  • Anti Reflux protseduralari
  • Whipple Surgery
  • Appendektomiya
  • Hemoroidektomiya
  • Qisman kolektomiya
  • Nissen fundoplikatsiyasi
  • Endoskopni

Gastroenterolog nima qiladi?

Gastroenterologists are doctors who specialise in diagnosing and treating disorders of the gastrointestinal tract. Gastroenterology is the branch of medicine that deals with the digestive system, often known as the gastrointestinal tract. The gastrointestinal system is responsible for food digestion, nutritional absorption, and waste disposal from the body.

You might see a gastroenterologist if you're having problems with your:

  • Oesophagus, the tube that connects your mouth to your stomach
  • Ingichka ichak
  • Colon
  • Rektum
  • Pankreas
  • O't pufagi
  • Safro yo'llari
  • Jigar

Appendektomiya nima?

The appendix(  3 1/2-inch-long tube tissue), which is located in the right bottom region of the abdomen, is surgically removed during an appendectomy. This procedure is generally done in an emergency to treat appendicitis (inflamed appendix). This may occur as a result of an obstruction in part of the appendix. An appendectomy is another term used for this procedure.

Ba'zi alomatlar 

  • Downward right abdominal discomfort or pain around the navel that goes lower. The first symptom is usually this.
  • Ishtahaning yo'qolishi.
  • isitma
  • Soon after the stomach pains start, nausea and vomiting start.
  • Severe cramps
  • unable to pass gas

The type of operation you have will depend on how severe your appendicitis is.

  • An incision is made into the skin, underlying tissue, and the abdominal wall to reach the appendix during an open appendectomy.
  • Laparoscopic appendectomy The surgeon makes an incision around your belly button and inserts a tiny device known as a port after you are asleep. Your surgeon can fill the abdomen with gas through the port, which produces an opening. This frees up room to carry out the procedure. The port is then used to introduce a tiny camera. On a screen in the operating room, the camera shows the surgery. Once the surgeon can see clearly, they put in more ports to insert long, narrow instruments Finally, your appendix is gently disconnected and removed through one of the incisions. Most of the procedures require three incisions, although this might range from one to four depending on the conditions.

Your surgery will be more complicated if your appendix has burst. When your appendix bursts, your doctor will need to clean up the infection that spilt out. As a result, your cuts may be bigger, and you may have to spend a longer time in the operating room. You'll probably have to stay in the hospital for 3-5 days. You will be given IV antibiotics for the infection in your abdomen while you are there.

Jarrohlikdan keyin

You will be taken to the recovery room after surgery. Your vital indicators, such as heart rate and respiration, will be monitored by your healthcare staff. The sort of surgery you underwent and the type of anaesthetic you had will determine how quickly you recover. You will be transferred to your hospital room once your blood pressure, pulse, and breathing have normalized and you are awake and conscious. After surgery, most patients are discharged in one to two days. After leaving the hospital, you should be able to continue normal activities in 2 to 4 weeks. You'll probably heal fast if you underwent laparoscopic surgery. If your appendix has ruptured or an abscess has developed, recovery will be delayed and more difficult. Living without an appendix causes no known health problems.

Dr Najib is known for his excellence in the medical field across the globe. He has treated thousands of patients in his 34 years of experience. Consult him for Gastrointestinal tract related issues and best treatment.

Ushbu tarkib mos keladi Vaidam tahririyat siyosati tomonidan ko'rib chiqiladi
Doktor Ankita Vadxva Sharhlovchi nomi
Doktor Ankita Vadxva

Doktor Ankita Vadxva salomatlik bilan bog'liq muammolar bo'yicha bemorlarni davolashda 14+ yillik tajribaga ega. Turli xil tibbiy muolajalarni chuqur tushungan holda, u bir nechta murakkab ishlarni ko'rib chiqdi. U, shuningdek, Fortis Escorts Heart Institute, CK Birla Hospital va Paras Healthcare kabi ko'plab taniqli shifoxonalarda ishlagan.

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Tafsilotlarni ko'rish
NABH akkreditatsiyadan o'tgan,
1-raqamli platforma tibbiy muolajalar uchun.

Nega Vaidam?

25,000 dan ortiq mamlakatdan 105+ bemor Vaidamga ishongan


NABH Certified Healthcare Discovery Platform

Vaidam - bu NABH tomonidan tasdiqlangan sog'liqni saqlash sohasidagi kashfiyotlar platformasi bo'lib, u sizni eng yaxshi tibbiy mutaxassislar, shifoxonalar, sog'lomlashtirish imkoniyatlari va sog'liqni saqlash bo'yicha to'g'ri tanlashda yordam berish uchun ishonchli sayohat hamkorlari bilan bog'laydi.

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Soʻrov yuborishingiz bilan bemor bilan aloqalar guruhi sizdan maʼlumotlarni toʻplaydi, ularni Vaidam panelidagi shifokorlar va shifoxonalar bilan baham koʻradi va shaxsiy davolash rejasini oladi. Biz sizning byudjetingiz doirasida sifatli davolanishni tadqiq qilamiz.

Sayohat qilish

Sayohat qilish

Vaidam konsyerji bemorlarga tibbiy viza, eng yaxshi aviakompaniya tariflari va turar joyingiz uchun kelishuvlarni olishga yordam beradi. Bizning konsyerjimiz sizga kundalik sayohat, til va ovqatlanish masalalarida ham yordam beradi. Vaidam sizning mukammal uy egasi bo'lish uchun hamma narsani qiladi. Vaidamning barcha xizmatlari bemorlar uchun bepul.

Xalqaro aloqalar

Xalqaro aloqalar

Vaidam Health Hindiston, Turkiya, BAA, Germaniya, Janubiy Koreya, Tailand, Malayziya, Ispaniyani o'z ichiga olgan 15 dan ortiq mamlakatlarda tarmoqqa ega.

Eslatma: Vaidam Health, tibbiy maslahat, tashxis yoki davolanishni ta'minlamaydi. Taqdim etilgan xizmatlar va ma'lumotlar faqat ma'lumot olish maqsadida mo'ljallangan va shifokor tomonidan professional maslahat yoki davolanishni o'zgartira olmaydi. Vaidam Health nusxa ko'chirishni, veb-sahifalarini klonlashni va uning mazmunini cheklaydi va uning intellektual mulkini himoya qilish uchun yuridik protseduralarni ta'qib etadi.

Rahmat. Tez orada biz bilan bog'lanamiz.

So'rov yuborish