Myomectomy Cost In Bangalore

Minimum Cost USD2197.26
Maximum Cost USD2685.54
  • Days In Hospital 4 days
  • Outside Hospital Stay 8 days
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Dr. Ankita Wadhwa
Dr. Ankita Wadhwa Medical Content Editor and Director Domestic Business

Cost of Myomectomy in Bangalore: Detailed Overview

Myomectomy cost in Bangalore for Indian Patients is between USD1565 to USD2191.

Patient has to stay in the hospital for 4 days and outside the hospital for 8 days. The total cost of the treatment depends on the diagnosis and facilities opted by the patient.

Myomectomy is a surgical procedure to take out uterine fibroids and reconstruct the uterus.

Depending on the size, number, and location of fibroids, the surgeon may choose one of three surgical approaches:

  • Laparoscopic or Robotic Myomectomy are both minimally invasive procedures; the surgeon removes fibroids through many small abdominal incisions.
  • To treat smaller fibroids (submucosal fibroids), the surgeon performs a Hysteroscopic Myomectomy. He accesses and removes the fibroids using instruments inserted through the vagina and cervix into the uterus.
  • In an Abdominal Myomectomy, the surgeon makes an open abdominal incision to access the uterus and remove fibroids.

Images Related To Myomectomy

Inclusions in the package

The cost of Myomectomy includes:

  • Preoperative diagnostic tests cost [ultrasound, complete blood count (CBC), and MRI] 

  • Surgery cost

  • Types of surgery (Abdominal myomectomy, Laparoscopic myomectomy, Robotic myomectomy, or Hysteroscopic myomectomy)

  • Post-Operative cost (depends on the number of follow-up sessions)

  • Medicine cost (anti-inflammatory, painkillers, etc.)

  • Patient's hospital stay

Factors affecting cost of Myomectomy

The overall cost of the procedure also varies based on the patient's condition and preferences. Some of these factors are:

  • Type of hospital and room opted (General, Twin sharing, or single room)

  • The severity of the disease

  • Post-surgical complication, if it happens [such as Haemorrhage, Injury to the uterus, Formation of scar tissue (adhesions) within the uterus]

  • Cost of Blood products (if required)

  • Age of the patient

  • An extended stay at the Hospital

  • Cost of Accommodation during follow-ups, in case the patient is not a local resident

Cost related to Myomectomy in Bangalore

Listing approximate price of Myomectomy and some related procedures. The prices may change depending upon the centers and condition of the patient.

Treatment name Min. Cost Max. Cost
Myomectomy Rs.138972 Rs.185296
Laparoscopic Myomectomy Rs.177600 Rs.236800

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Doctors for Myomectomy in Bangalore

A Gynecologist is a suitable doctor to consult for Myomectomy.

Dr. Sita Rajan

Dr. Sita Rajan

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Dr. Adinarayana Makam

Dr. Adinarayana Makam

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Dr. Sangeetha S

Dr. Sangeetha S

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Leading Hospitals for Myomectomy in Bangalore

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Frequently Asked Questions Related to Myomectomy Cost

If you have uterine fibroid symptoms, your doctor will do some tests, such as an ultrasound, complete blood count (CBC), and MRI. All these test costs are covered in the package.

The medicines cost are included in the package when the patient is at the hospital. Once the patient leaves, the medicines bought from outside the hospital charge extra. 

Different types of myomectomy procedures involve different hospital stay duration. In an abdominal myomectomy, you must stay in the hospital for 1 or 2 days. While in laparoscopic and robotic myomectomy, you can stay overnight in the hospital. Hysteroscopic myomectomy is usually done with no overnight hospital stay. You should have a post-operative appointment scheduled with your doctor 4-6 weeks after the surgery. You can consult your doctor 6 months after the myomectomy to plan your pregnancy.

Your doctor will prescribe oral pain medications after the surgery. You can also expect some vaginal spotting for a few days up to six weeks depending on the type of procedure you had. You can resume your daily routine after six weeks. Any fibroids not detected during the surgery can grow and cause symptoms. New fibroids can also develop in those women who have multiple fibroids. If you have new or recurring fibroids, you have to go for non-surgical treatments, which have additional charges. 

Many insurance companies cover the cost of a myomectomy. You can submit your test reports to the insurance providers for approval. It is vital to keep in mind that every insurance company has a different amount of coverage for the treatment. Therefore, it might be possible that the treatment cost is partly covered, and you have to pay the rest of the expenses on your own.  

You can go for Lap-RFA, a less invasive alternative to myomectomy. You can return to your regular activities 5-7 days after the procedure.

Patient's Review

Ms. Patricia Sento

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Sierra Leone

Ms. Hajah K David

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I went to Artemis Hospital, for my bleeding disorder treatment and they treated me well, without any surgery. Grateful to them!


Armelle Fungula

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My IVF treatment at the International Fertility Centre went smoothly. The hospital staff helped me through everything and were very reliable. I am grateful to them.

Congo (Kinshasa)

Ashika Singh

star rating star rating star rating star rating star rating

I would really like to thank Dr. Dinesh Kansal because I think without their constant support, I could never have managed to get relief from the abdominal pain I was living with. I am so thankful for your help.


Mrs. Rambacus Doularry

star rating star rating star rating star rating star rating

I can't thank Dr. Richa Jagtab enough for doing my fibroid removal surgery. The hospital services were also very good. A big thank you! I recommend ART Fertility Hospital. My wife had her fibroid surgery there, and she received good care. It is the best hospital for quality treatment.


Ms. Patricia Sento

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Sierra Leone

Everything You Need to Know About Myomectomy: Q&A

Before the Procedure (15 Questions):

Abdominal open myomectomy is a major surgical procedure. It involves making an incision through the skin on the lower abdomen known as a "bikini cut," and removing the fibroids from the wall of the uterus. However, if the fibroids are smaller then the same procedure can be done laparascopically, which then makes it a lower risk surgery.

Depends on Obesity, Number and size of fibroids and previous surgical history of the individual.

That’s right, the purpose of Myomectomy surgery is to remove the fibroids that are inhibiting the process of conception.

That’s right, heavy bleeding and pain because of fibroids will subside and go away.

Myomectomy is the surgery which removes the fibroids from the uterus.  This is the best option for women who have fibroids and want to have children in their future.

Some symptoms which indicate the presence of fibroid are:

  1. pelvic pain
  2. irregular bleeding
  3. frequent urination
  4. heavy periods

This is a good option for women who have fibroids present in their uterus ans they want to get pregnant in future. Myomectomy removes the fibroids from the uterus without damaging the uterus.

You will be prescribed with some medicines before the surgery to reduce the size of your   fibroids and makes their removal easier. Gonadotropin releasing hormone will be given to you   to put you in a temporary state of menopause. You have to stop taking alcohol and smoking. The ,midnight before the surgery you have to stop eating or drinking anything.


Your doctor will prescribe you some blood test, MRI scan and pelvic ultrasound before you go for myomectomy.

Many women get relief from the symptoms of pelvic pain and heavy menstrual bleeding. In some cases fibroids can come back especially in women of younger age.

Myomectomy is the surgical procedure for removing the benign growth of benign muscle which is also known as fibroids.

In myomectomy fibroids are being removed by keeping the uterus intact, this is an alternative to hysterectomy in which removal of uterus is needed.

There are different ways of performing myomectomy depending in the size, number and location of the fibroids. There are different surgical and non surgical procedure involved in myomectomy.

Many women do not experience any symptoms of fibroids, no symptoms are seen. Doctor advise you to undergo myomectomy if ultrasound shows presence of fibroids in uterus and the symptoms interfere in day to day life.

Women should go for myomectomy for restoring the uterus, if you are planning a pregnancy.

During the Procedure (9 Questions):

Hospital stay is for 2 days.

It is a 2 hour procedure.

Myomectomy is done by three procedures :

  • Abdominal myomectomy
  • Laproscopic myomectomy
  • Hysteroscopic myomectomy

In abdominal myomectomy a horizontal 3-4 inch long incision is being made just above your pubic bone or a vertical incision is made just below your belly button to just above your pubic bone. After making the incision, the fibroids are removed from the wall of the uterus and then sutures are being placed.

In laproscopic myomectomy, you will be given general anaesthesia and four small incision of half inch will be made in your lower part of abdomen and your stomach will be filled with CO2 gas to check inside your abdomen. Then a laproscope will b e placed through the incision which has camera at one end and a small incision will be placed at other end, the fibroids are cut by the instruments and then the instrument is removed and the gas is released and the incision is closed.

In this procedure a thin lighted scope will be placed  through your vagina or cervix into your uterus. Then a special liquid will be placed into your uterus for widening it, a wire loop is being used to shave out the pieces of fibroids.

The surgery is being done under general anaesthesia.

Abdominal myomectomy is done if large uterine fibroids are present. Laproscopic myomectomy is done if the fibroids are smaller in size and less in number and hysteroscopic myomectomy is done if the fibroids inside the uterus are smaller and it involves removal through the vagina.

This procedure is done under general anaesthesia, first an  horizontal incision is being made in the lower part of abdomen just above your pubic bone.  Then a vertical incision is made just below your belly button just above your pubic bone, this incision is less commonly used but it can be used if the fibroids are larger. Once the incision are made fibroids are removed from the wall of the uterus and the uterine muscles are being stitched.

Post the Procedure (16 Questions):

1 week for stitch removal and 6 weeks for full recovery.

You may have a brown or reddish brown vaginal discharge or spotting for a few weeks or until your first period. This is normal. Expect your first two periods to start early or late.

The swelling will take several weeks to go down, may take about 4 to 6 weeks to fully recover. It is important to avoid lifting while you are recovering so that you can heal.

Most patients join their work after 7 day.

6 weeks from surgery

It depends on the age of the patient. If patient is already in menopause, then chances of recurrence are very minimal. For females who are still getting regular cycles, doctor can give an injection (during procedure or after 7 days of procedure) to avoid recurrence for another 5 years. This way, patient can fulfil the desire of motherhood, if that’s the primary factor.

It is safe to plan for fertility after 4-6 months of the procedure.

Women who has more than six fibroids in which there chances of pregnancy are less, in some cases this procedure can weaken your uterus also, there are chances that your uterus can tear as pregnancy starts.

If you have uterine fibroids which are causing the symptoms then myomectomy can be used to remove fibroids and getting relief from the symptoms.  The typ of myomectomy procedure which you undergo depends on the size and location of your fibroids.


In case of abdominal myomectomy your scar will be one inch below your pubic hairline  and it also fades with time. The scar from laproscopic myomectomy can be seen  while wearing low cut bikni or a crop top, this scar is also very smaller and will fade with time.

Some of the common complictaions which you can notice after myomectomy are infection, excessive bleeding, scar tissue, occurence of a new fibroid.


.  For abdominal myomectomy four to six weeks of recovery is needed and  for laproscopic myomectomy two to four weeks of recovery is needed and for hysteroscopic myomectomy two to three days is needed for recovety.

Dont lift any heavy object or do heavy exercise till your incisions are completely healed. If you want to get pregnant after the procedure ask your doctor when to start planning.

Initially after surgery you will be given intravenous fluid for maintaining hydration. Urinary catheter will be placed for passage of urine. You will be advised to take liquid diet after surgery. There may be some vaginal discharge after surgery.

You should not lift any heavy object or do any strenuous exercise till your incisions are completely healed.  You should avoid sexual activity till six weeks after the surgery.

Every surgery has some risk and complications some of the risk of the procedure includes infection, heavy bleeding, damage to nearby organs, hole in uterus, scar tissue  and new fibroid formation.

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